Nclose: 2021 will be a cybercrime bruiser - here's what to prepare for

By Staff Writer 11 December 2020

With less than a month left of a challenging year, attention is rightly turning to what we can expect, and how companies can prepare, for 2021. On the cybersecurity front, Nclose's Martin Potgieter offers some foresight. FULL STORY >


Nclose achieves ISO 27001 Certification

By Staff Writer 27 November 2020

Cybersecurity technology and services provider Nclose has received its ISO 27001 certification, enabling the company to demonstrate that it manages IT risk in accordance with best practices. Nclose explains why it is a valuable pursuit for other small and... FULL STORY >


How to avoid being scammed this Black Friday

By Industry Contributor 6 November 2020

If you intend to take advantage of Black Friday dears this year, likely from home, and don't want to risk being scammed by fraudsters, then it is a good time to follow some online shopping safety guidelines. Paul Grapendaal from Nclose offers his top... FULL STORY >


Nclose moves to secure Microsoft 365 environment in SA

By Staff Writer 8 October 2020

Nclose managed services has launched its dedicated Microsoft 365 security capabilities. FULL STORY >


Industry Insight - Navigating risk into a post-COVID new normal

By Industry Contributor 4 June 2020

Having rushed to keep the remote lights on in the early stages of lockdown, organisations must now change their focus to mitigating a plethora of risks emerging out of the pandemic chaos. FULL STORY >


Remote Working Series - Practical steps to boost security for your suddenly-remote workforce

By Staff Writer 22 April 2020

The sudden need to work remotely to continue business while ensuring security may have taken many organisations by surprise. Nclose director Martin Potgieter offers some pointers how to smooth the... FULL STORY >

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