Photography giant beats traffic to deliver printer using a crane

By Press Release 23 November 2022

Leading photography company, ORMS, elevates its offerings with the new Canon imagePRESS C10010VP, a solution for high-volume printing environments. FULL STORY >


Understanding what an IoT platform is

By Industry Contributor 7 September 2022

By Anna Branquinho, Product marketing associate at Trinity IoT FULL STORY >


Seamless integration across communication platforms helps remove supply chain friction and puts customers first

By Industry Contributor 21 April 2022

By Andrew Dawson, MD of MACmobile FULL STORY >


WeconnectU to host cybersecurity webinar

By Staff Writer 2 September 2021

An upcoming webinar is set to give those living in a sectional title scheme, home-owners association or renting a home some essential information about how their data is likely being used. FULL STORY >


Customers can now pay small businesses via WhatsApp

By Staff Writer 21 April 2021

Nedbank, in collaboration with Mastercard and Ukheshe, has launched Money Message, a new payment platform that lets small and microbusinesses conveniently receive secure in-chat payments from their customers via WhatsApp. FULL STORY >


Personalisation platforms, and their role in customer service

By Industry Contributor 18 June 2019

Dee Chetty, Accenture Interactive Lead for Africa, explains why personalisation is more important than ever, and what successful customer engagement requires. FULL STORY >


Dell EMC Unveils Broad Enhancements to Cloud-Enabled Platforms, Infrastructure, Solutions and Services Portfolio

By Press Release 5 September 2018

Dell EMC has boosted the cloud capabilities of platforms, infrastructure solutions, consumption model and services to help customers leverage multi-cloud strategies. FULL STORY >


Gartner identifies three megatrends driving business into the next decade

By Staff Writer 18 August 2017

Gartner’s latest report, "Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies, 2017" reveal three distinct megatrends that will enable businesses to survive and thrive in the digital economy over the next five to 10 years. FULL STORY >


The power of Digital will dissolve traditional business borders

By Press Release 31 July 2017

According to Pierre Aurel, Special Projects manager at e4, the power of digital is now being harnessed to dissolve traditional bureaucratic barriers and usher in a new era of truly global and borderless business independent of... FULL STORY >


WatchDox by BlackBerry deepens secure collaboration capabilities across mobile platforms

By Staff Writer 28 August 2015

BlackBerry Limited unveiled updates to WatchDox by BlackBerry, including a new application for BlackBerry 10 devices and additional multi-OS integration. FULL STORY >


Altech Card Solutions invites you to throw away your paper and pens with their latest product offering

By Staff Writer 12 August 2015

MobileForms is Altech Card Solutions’ latest product offering; one that is sure to turn the business world on its head as it brings the elusive paperless office within reach. FULL STORY >


Atmosphere Orange says Brand Industry in urgent need of expertise, lacks programmatic savvy

By Staff Writer 1 July 2015

According to Chanel MacKay, new Media Director at Cape Town-based digital agency Atmosphere Orange, brands require greater programmatic savvy to thrive in digital age. FULL STORY >


Rayman Legends (PS3)

By Ryan Noik 30 August 2013

Rayman: Legends may just be one of the best platformers, certainly of the 2D scrolling variety, that we have played in quite some time. FULL STORY >


Kaspersky Lab warns of Twitter worm

By Hanleigh Daniels 26 January 2011

Kaspersky Lab has warned internet users of a new Twitter worm doing the rounds on the net. FULL STORY >


Fireworms Advertise

By Linda Pretorius 12 May 2009

An eerie green glow that has baffled sailors for ages is almost like a neon sea-based billboard selling sex for fireworms. FULL STORY >

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