Android Oreo (Go edition) – For Nokia users on the go

By Press Release 2 July 2018

In a fast-paced world, you need to stay on the go. Your smartphone is your ally as you try to make sense of a time where information overload reigns. This is why every Nokia smartphone is designed and crafted with passion and a dedication... FULL STORY >


Introducing the Art of Phone Shui

By Press Release 6 February 2018

HMD Global says Android 8.0 Oreo on Nokia smartphones, encourages a lifestyle, and phone, without clutter. FULL STORY >


Android Oreo will show users Wi-Fi speeds before connecting

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 23 January 2018

This latest feature in Android Oreo 8.1 is designed to help users know the speeds of public Wi-Fi services before hitting connect. FULL STORY >


Android 8.1 begins rollout to Pixel and Nexus phones

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 6 December 2017

Google's latest iteration of mobile OS is making its way to smartphones, starting with the company's own Nexus and Pixel devices. FULL STORY >


Google reveals Android Oreo Go as an OS for entry-level smartphones

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 5 December 2017

Designed as an operating system for devices with less than 1 GB of RAM, Google announces Android Oreo Go. FULL STORY >


Nokia 8 takes its first bite of Oreo

By Staff Writer 28 November 2017

HMD Global, the home of Nokia phones, is excited to announce that Android 8.0 Oreo is now available for the Nokia 8. FULL STORY >


Android 8.0 is now officially called Android Oreo

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 22 August 2017

Inspired by the recent solar eclipse, Google officially announces the name for its latest mobile OS, with 8.0 now called Android Oreo. FULL STORY >

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