Atmosphere Orange says Brand Industry in urgent need of expertise, lacks programmatic savvy

By Staff Writer 1 July 2015

According to Chanel MacKay, new Media Director at Cape Town-based digital agency Atmosphere Orange, brands require greater programmatic savvy to thrive in digital age. FULL STORY >


Google self-driving cars involved in 11 accidents

By Staff Writer 12 May 2015

It has been revealed that Google's self-driving cars have been in 11 minor crashes thus far. FULL STORY >


Win with Sony Xperia SP

By Staff Writer 3 February 2014

One lucky reader stands the chance to WIN a Sony Xperia SP to the value of R5700. High definition entertainment in a premium design lifts the Xperia SP to a whole new level. FULL STORY >


Rayman Legends (PS3)

By Ryan Noik 30 August 2013

Rayman: Legends may just be one of the best platformers, certainly of the 2D scrolling variety, that we have played in quite some time. FULL STORY >


TechSmart competitions Terms and Conditions

By Staff Writer 27 June 2013

Competition Terms and Conditions. FULL STORY >


Nokia reveals preliminary Q4 2012 fiscal info

By Hanleigh Daniels 11 January 2013

Nokia announces some preliminary financial figures for its fiscal Q4 2012 and Q1 2013. FULL STORY >


Kaspersky Lab warns of Twitter worm

By Hanleigh Daniels 26 January 2011

Kaspersky Lab has warned internet users of a new Twitter worm doing the rounds on the net. FULL STORY >


Top Google search terms for 2010

By Johan Keyter 10 December 2010

The new Google zeitgeist list reveals the highs and lows of 2010. FULL STORY >


Bounty Arms- the interview

By Hanleigh Daniels 11 March 2010

Bounty Arms is an old-school 3D side-scrolling action game with a modern twist, currently under development by SA animation studio Open-Reset. We talk to Benjamin Duk, co-CEO, about the challenges developers face. FULL STORY >


Fireworms Advertise

By Linda Pretorius 12 May 2009

An eerie green glow that has baffled sailors for ages is almost like a neon sea-based billboard selling sex for fireworms. FULL STORY >

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