Refurbished electronics as good as new

By Press Release 1 March 2018

The speedy introduction of new technologies and consumers wanting to stay current with the latest tech trends has led to masses of perfectly good second user equipment entering the market. FULL STORY >


Samsung to release 'fandom' edition of Galaxy Note 7

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 28 June 2017

The South Korean company is still intent on selling some Galaxy Note 7 phablets, with refurbished 'fandom' editions arriving in select regions. FULL STORY >


Samsung says refurbished Galaxy Note 7 will hit US market

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 28 March 2017

Featuring recycled parts, Samsung will allow US consumers to sell or rent the phablet. FULL STORY >


Samsung reportedly going to sell refurbished Galaxy Note 7's

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 21 February 2017

Reportedly featuring smaller batteries, Samsung may be sending some of its Galaxy Note 7 phablets to India and Vietnam. FULL STORY >

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