The Next Einstein Forum launches search for 54 of Africa's top young science and technology ambassadors

By Staff Writer 24 July 2015

The Next Einstein Forum (NEF) has launched the search for 54 of Africa's top young science and technology ambassadors, one from each African country. FULL STORY >


Hot new trailers - American Ultra

By Staff Writer 23 July 2015

Forget Jason Bourne, it seems like Mike Howell (Jesse Eisenberg) is the real undercover agent. A stoner one nonetheless, getting reactivated and then abruptly declared a US liability and marked for elimination. FULL STORY >


Catalysing Africa’s app economy: SA must move fast

By Staff Writer 22 July 2015

South African developers have the big ideas and funding necessary to catalyse the app economy revolution across Africa, but a cohesive approach is needed if SA is to deliver on its potential as the continent’s app hub, says IBM. FULL STORY >


Locally developed shopping app SNAPnSAVE launched in SA

By Staff Writer 17 July 2015

Free, mobile and locally created, SNAPnSAVE is an app designed to help South African shoppers save money on everyday grocery items. FULL STORY >


Call for entries - AfricaCom Awards 2015 to highlight industry leaders and innovation in African communications

By Staff Writer 17 July 2015

Fully established as the Telecommunications, ICT and Technology industry’s leading acknowledgement event, the AfricaCom Awards for 2015, is once again actively seeking Africa’s... FULL STORY >


Cloud as an enabler of Enterprise Innovation and Growth

By Staff Writer 16 July 2015

Anthony Butler, Lead Cloud Advisor for IBM Middle East and Africa, provides six key factors that are critical if enterprises are to leverage PaaS to its fullest transformational potential FULL STORY >


Microsoft BizSpark Champions Tech Entrepreneurship in SA

By Staff Writer 14 July 2015

Microsoft, through its BizSpark programme, has now opened up a world of untapped opportunities for over 1600 South African start-ups, who have in turn created over 300 jobs. FULL STORY >


Interview: Abri Kriegler, Canon South Africa

By Mike Joubert 14 July 2015

The popularity of superzooms, the surprising growth in entry-level DSLRs and the SA market’s problem with mirrorless. TechSmart had an enlightening talk with Abri Kriegler, Canon Product Manager: DSC and Consumer Video PM. FULL STORY >


TomTom first to support Tripartite Free Trade Area with fully navigable Trans-Africa highway network

By Staff Writer 13 July 2015

TomTom Africa is moving to support the largest road network project in African history, the Trans-African Highway, a vital project for the African Development Bank. FULL STORY >


South Africa - Beer of the Winter 2015

By Mike Joubert 9 July 2015

While this winter might have been slightly more mild than before, it still calls for a beer to stave off the chills. We asked a number of local brewers to select their South African Beer of the Winter 2015. FULL STORY >


Cisco urges SA government to accelerate networked readiness

By Staff Writer 9 July 2015

Cisco believes information and communications technologies will help facilitate digital transformation in South Africa. FULL STORY >


Samsung details the difference in its 4K UHD TVs and pseudo-3K ones

By Staff Writer 8 July 2015

Samsung's noticed a worrying trend in the SA market, as competitors are billing their own pseudo-3K UHD TVs as being the genuine 4K product, when in fact, they're not. FULL STORY >


GoPro goes smaller and lighter with its new Hero4 Session camera

By Staff Writer 8 July 2015

50% smaller and 40% lighter than GoPro’s best-selling Hero4, the new Hero4 Session aims to further improve its position among action camera users. FULL STORY >


Mediatech Africa spotlight on IP issues, lighting innovation

By Staff Writer 8 July 2015

The global move to media over IP, and innovations in display and lighting, will feature high on the agenda at Mediatech Africa, Africa’s only media and entertainment technology expo. FULL STORY >


Why CRM and ERP are better together

By Staff Writer 8 July 2015

Every growing mid-sized enterprise needs to put in place business systems that help it streamline business processes, gain visibility into its operations, and enhance productivity. FULL STORY >

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