At DICE this week, Bethesda confirms three very different games in the works

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 19 February 2016

The DICE summit wrapped up in Las Vegas yesterday, and one of the big pieces of news is the upcoming titles from Bethesda, with three in the works that unlike anything they've done before. FULL STORY >


Bethesda says updates coming to Fallout 4's survival mode

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 12 February 2016

Bethesda confirms via Twitter that it has a complete overhaul scheduled for the survival mode of Fallout 4. FULL STORY >


DOOM dated, Collector’s edition detailed

By Ryan Noik 5 February 2016

DOOM has not only been dated, but a Collectors Edition has also been announced as well. FULL STORY >


EMC Corporation: Expand the Data Lake

By Staff Writer 3 February 2016

EMC Corporation has announced the availability of a range of new products that can transform the way organisations store and use data. FULL STORY >


First Fallout 4 patch now live for PS4 and PC, Xbox One version on the way

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 9 December 2015

The first significant patch for Bethesda's Fallout 4 launched for PS4 and PC yesterday, with the Xbox One version expected any day now. FULL STORY >


Cisco to champion SDN (Software Defined Networking) and Virtualisation Technologies at AfricaCom 2015

By Press Release 11 November 2015

With less than a month before the much anticipated AfricaCom 2015 begins, exhibitors and sponsors are preparing to deliver a host of exciting activities, talks and presentations to the 10,000... FULL STORY >


Fallout 4 launch trailer is a doozy

By Ryan Noik 6 November 2015

We can’t think of a better way to usher in the weekend, and ramp up the anticipation for Fallout 4, than with this latest trailer for the game. FULL STORY >


DOOM Multiplayer Closed Alpha footage released in new video

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 23 October 2015

Ahead of the Closed Alpha for its multiplayer going live for select gamers this weekend, Id Software releases some footage of it in action for those not lucky enough to play it themselves. FULL STORY >


Fallout 4 trailer answers wondering with wandering

By Ryan Noik 16 October 2015

If like us, you have been wondering a lot about Fallout 4 of late (will it live up to the hype? Can it really be as good as we hope?) then the latest trailer may answer some of your questions. FULL STORY >


Fortinet complements Cisco application centric infrastructure with high-performance SDN security

By Press Release 14 October 2015

Fortinet has announced the integration of the Fortinet FortiGate firewall solution into the Cisco Application Policy Infrastructure Controller (APIC) FULL STORY >


Fallout 4 install size revealed

By Ryan Noik 9 October 2015

Bethesda has confirmed that Fallout 4 will lay claim to 28 GB to 35 GB worth of space on PS4 and Xbox One. FULL STORY >


New video series for Fallout 4 launches

By Ryan Noik 11 September 2015

Ramping up the anticipation for Fallout 4 is the first of the Vault-Tec educational videos on players’ S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attributes. FULL STORY >


Fortinet unveils industry-leading security framework

By Staff Writer 10 September 2015

Fortinet - the global leader in high-performance cyber security solutions, announced its new Software-Defined Network Security (SDNS) framework – the first of its kind across the industry - designed to provide advanced threat protection... FULL STORY >


Smile closes USD365 Million financing to accelerate its 4G LTE Network expansion in Africa

By Staff Writer 8 September 2015

Smile Telecoms Holdings Ltd (“Smile”), which owns and operates mobile wireless 4G LTE broadband networks in the 800MHz band in Nigeria, Tanzania and Uganda, announced that it raised USD365 million of... FULL STORY >


Dishonored Definitive Edition returns to Dunwall as launch trailer surfaces

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 26 August 2015

One of the better Steampunk-inspired first-person games in recent years, gamers can now return to the city of Dunwall in Dishonored Definitive Edition. FULL STORY >

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