Canon Series: Rescue Missions with Simon McDonnell

By Staff Writer 30 November 2015

Apart from being a professional photographer, Simon McDonnell is also a volunteer with the Off Road Rescue Unit and a member of the Rescue South Africa International Disaster Response Team. Having done rescue operations during the 2011 Japan... FULL STORY >


Canon Series: Pro Tip - Simon McDonnell

By Staff Writer 26 November 2015

After pressing pro photographer Simon McDonnell about his favourite lens and the new gear he recently acquired, we asked him for a photographic tip that is perhaps not commonly talked about. FULL STORY >


Canon Series: The New Gear – Simon McDonnell

By Staff Writer 24 November 2015

Yesterday we asked pro photographer Simon McDonnell about his favourite lens. Today we discuss some of the new gear he has recently acquired, with McDonnell sharing his thoughts on a particular new body. FULL STORY >


Canon Series: My Favourite Lens – Simon McDonnell

By Staff Writer 23 November 2015

After seeing his stirring presentation at the recent Canon Roadshow, we just had to get Simon McDonnell in for our Canon Series. For his first question we asked him to pick his favourite lens to shoot with. FULL STORY >

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