NASA attempting to grow flowers on the ISS for first time
By Robin-Leigh Chetty 20 November 2015After successfully growing lettuce in the microgravity environment of the International Space Station, NASA is attempting to grow flowers on the space vessel for the first time ever. FULL STORY >

NASA unveils RED 4K video of liquids in zero gravity
By Robin-Leigh Chetty 15 October 2015Want to see what happens to liquids when inside the zero gravity conditions of the International Space Station? Well, NASA just released a 4K UHD video that does just that. FULL STORY >

Space Whisky Glass ready for the Final Frontier
By Staff Writer 17 September 2015Ballantine’s Whisky has partnered with Open Space Agency to create a whisky glass that works in microgravity. With the advent of space tourism soon upon us, it couldn’t come a moment too soon. FULL STORY >

SpaceX previews Dragon Capsule for manned missions
By Robin-Leigh Chetty 11 September 2015SpaceX is currently building a Dragon spacecraft to send a crew to the International Space Station (ISS). Now we get a glimpse at the capsule for this manned mission. FULL STORY >

UX: design-thinking in a tech space
By Staff Writer 10 September 2015The rogue R&D developer start-up, Cowboy Aliens, has been tasked with disrupting the way South Africa engages with finance and banking. FULL STORY >

NASA's New Horizons data downlink to take one year
By Robin-Leigh Chetty 7 September 2015Seven weeks after NASA's New Horizons probe passed Pluto and its moons, the job of downloading "tens of gigabits" of data begins, which will take almost one year to complete. FULL STORY >

More work is required in ecommerce space
By Staff Writer 21 August 2015The Davis Tax Committee’s (DTC) First Interim Report on VAT focuses on a number of key challenges inherent to VAT in South Africa. FULL STORY >

NASA-funded study says humans could build base on Moon in 10 years
By Robin-Leigh Chetty 21 July 2015Following the 46th Anniversary of the Apollo 11 lunar landing mission, a new NASA-funded study claims that humans can build a Moon-base within a decade. FULL STORY >

The annual Entelect R100K Challenge readies once again
By Staff Writer 15 April 2015Following last year’s successful competition, SA coders and gamers can now enter the Entelect R100K Challenge and put their AI skills to the test, with the finals set for rAge. FULL STORY >

Core technology for Whitespace Alliance Wi-FAR specification approved to become ISO standard
By Staff Writer 10 April 2015The WhiteSpace Alliance (WSA), a global industry organization enabling sharing of underutilized spectrum, today announced that the core technology underlying its Wi-FAR specification has been approved... FULL STORY >

Missed the solar eclipse? Now you can catch up
By Ryan Noik 25 March 2015Two pieces of footage of last week's solar eclipse have emerged that space-geeks can consider a must watch. FULL STORY >

Hot new trailers - 19 March 2015
By Staff Writer 19 March 2015From an alien invasion using computer games, through to spies, possession, exorcism and the original Alien, our hot new trailers for the week has it all. FULL STORY >

Who needs Space?
By Staff Writer 5 December 2014When it comes to Space Travel, Deep Fried Man has no idea what the fuss is about. FULL STORY >

Top 5 Mind-Bending Movies
By Spling 6 November 2014Some movies just leave you perplexed, or “Curiouser and curiouser!” as little Alice said. Movie aficionado, Spling tries to navigate the maze of mind-benders. FULL STORY >

Geek News Highlights - The Two Weeks Notice Edition
By Robin-Leigh Chetty 22 October 2014We've crammed two weeks worth of geek news into one bumper edition, including a re-release trailer for 2001: A Space Odyssey, Sharlto Copley in PlayStation Plus' Powers, and Marvel's Civil War storyline for Captain America 3. FULL STORY >
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