Twitter suspends several accounts for 'tweetdecking'

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 12 March 2018

Breaching Twitter's new rules, a number of accounts were suspended over the weekend for stealing tweets and spamming in a bid to go viral. FULL STORY >


Twitter's new 280 character limit now official

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 8 November 2017

The microblogging platform is a little less micro, doubling the character limit for tweets to 280 characters. FULL STORY >


Twitter is reportedly working on tweetstorm feature

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 11 September 2017

The feature remains hidden for now, but could be headed for public testing soon. FULL STORY >


Some Netflix tweets point to episode titles for Punisher series

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 29 August 2017

A few eagle eyed fans have spotted several encoded Netflix tweets that could detail the episode titles for the upcoming Punisher series. FULL STORY >


Snode uses cyber intelligence to drill deeper into the #FeesMustFall protest

By Press Release 14 December 2016

Cyber intelligence and analytics specialist, Snode, recently used its tools to analyse the #FeesMustFall protest and delve deeper within Twitter, offering enriched insight beyond 140 characters. FULL STORY >


Twitter warns developers making surveillance tools

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 23 November 2016

Hinging heavily on public APIs, Twitter is making a concerted effort to keep its users’ data safe from developers creating surveillance tools. FULL STORY >


Twitter Transparency Report sees slight increase in info and removal requests

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 22 September 2016

After recently releasing its transparency report for Jan to June 2016, there's been a slight increase in the number of account info and removal requests on the platform. FULL STORY >


Twitter's character limit change could happen on the 19th of September

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 13 September 2016

Announced in May this year, Twitter could finally make its character limit change on 19 September. FULL STORY >


Twitter increases GIF size limit on web to 15 MB, still 5 MB on mobile for now

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 12 July 2016

Tripling the current GIF file size allowed on its platform, Twitter now allows users to upload up to 15 MB GIFs when using a web browser. Still limited to 5 MB when on mobile. FULL STORY >


It's official, usernames and images not part of Twitter character count

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 25 May 2016

n an effort to increase user satisfaction on its social media platform, Twitter will no longer count usernames and images as part of its 140 character limit. FULL STORY >


Twitter reportedly removing character count for links and images in Tweets

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 17 May 2016

Ever been foiled by Twitter's 14 character limit because of a link or photo? Well, the company could soon stop counting them as part of the character limit for Tweets. FULL STORY >


Twitter's change from Favourites to Likes is 6% more popular according to company

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 11 November 2015

After making the change from Favourites to Likes for tweets, Twitter says it is already 6% more more popular according to their calculations. FULL STORY >


Twitter rolling out new homepage to showcase service to potential users

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 31 July 2015

In a bid to entice more users to use its service, Twitter has begun rolling out a new homepage that showcases specifically curated content and tweets. FULL STORY >


Twitter citing copyright for deleting stolen jokes

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 27 July 2015

In an effort to address user concerns on its social media platform, Twitter has begun denying access to Tweeted jokes that are reported as infringing on copyright. FULL STORY >


How To Write Engaging Tweets

By Staff Writer 15 April 2015

It appears that style is just as important as substance when Tweeting and gaining popularity on Twitter. With that in mind, the social media site highlights four elements to consider. FULL STORY >

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