A Special Valentine’s Day with Instax
By Press Release 12 February 2021With Valentine’s Day around the corner, Fujifilm Instax believes that this day of love should be about creating memories together. And what better way to ensure memories are shared than having an Instax instant camera present on the day, or perhaps as a... FULL STORY >

With Valentine’s Day coming, South Africa turns to Google
By Staff Writer 11 February 2021South Africans are getting ready for Valentine's Day by Googling. FULL STORY >

Insights from Experts: Kaspersky on AI and Cybersecurity for the Enterprise
By Ryan Noik 3 February 2021In the second Interviews with Experts with Kaspersky on AI and cybersecurity, Lehan van den Heever offers enterprises insight on how to better secure their organisation, cater to remote working, and what to do in the... FULL STORY >
Cisco reveals critical role of privacy emerging from the global pandemic
By Staff Writer 29 January 2021A new global study has found that there are significant privacy concerns stemming from the pandemic, fuelled by a rapid shift to remote work and the need to utilize health information of individuals. FULL STORY >

33% of gamers in South Africa hide how much they game from their parents - Kaspersky
By Staff Writer 15 January 2021It's bad for my health, too violent and it's rotting my brain. FULL STORY >

Is it time to say goodbye to WhatsApp?
By Ryan Noik 13 January 2021The controversial terms of service forced upon WhatsApp users across the world has sparked many users and companies to look for other alternatives. FULL STORY >

UWC, government and private sector to tackle cybersecurity threats with Gov-X Innovation Challenge
By Staff Writer 17 December 2020A public-private sector collaboration that aims to inspire the next generation of tech entrepreneurs and cybersecurity specialists will launch in February next year, and offer prizes of up to R100... FULL STORY >
Bottom-up innovation is near the bottom of modern corporate values
By Staff Writer 1 December 2020While 88% of innovation leaders agree that successful organisations encourage innovation at every level, only 16% of companies include ‘empowering individuals’ as an essential part of their corporate culture. FULL STORY >

OPPO impress with three new concept products at annual INNO Day
By Staff Writer 18 November 2020OPPO INNO DAY 2020 was recently held in Shenzhen, China, which revealed some interesting concept products the company is busy with. FULL STORY >

Kaspersky Threat Intelligence Portal introduces API integration for community members
By Staff Writer 11 November 2020Newly announced by Kaspersky is free access to the Kaspersky Threat Intelligence Portal, which gathers together all of the company’s actionable insights on threats and introduces API integration for... FULL STORY >
Second instalment of Vans and MoMA apparel celebrates Edvard Munch, Jackson Pollock and Lyubov Popova
By Staff Writer 11 November 2020Following the September debut collaboration, Vans and The Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) are now launching a second instalment of art-inspired footwear and apparel. FULL STORY >

Cisco: Privacy and Security concerns increasing in today’s remote world
By Ryan Noik 23 October 2020Two new global surveys have shone a light on the challenges and opportunities of the accelerated transition to a cloud-first, remote world that demands us to be secure, connected and productive from anywhere. FULL STORY >

GravityRAT strikes back - spyware cunningly becomes multiplatform
By Staff Writer 20 October 2020Kaspersky has identified a previously unknown piece of Android spyware, with this malicious module inserted into a travel application for users based in India. FULL STORY >

Financial Services sector becomes vulnerable to Ransomware
By Industry Contributor 19 October 2020By Rick Vanover, Senior Director of Product Strategy at Veeam FULL STORY >

Most chatbots do not work for highly regulated industries - here’s how to change that
By Industry Contributor 16 October 2020By Ryan Falkenberg, Co-CEO, CLEVVA FULL STORY >
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