The future of selfies: no longer just a picture

By Press Release 27 January 2017

New research finds consumers are ready to embrace selfies as a tool for banking, shopping, healthcare and more. FULL STORY >


Addressing the laws of innovation

By Press Release 16 January 2017

Genesys Interactive Intelligence forum reveals that only innovations that diminish a limitation and change market rules will become disruptive FULL STORY >


Razer’s stolen Project Valerie 3x4K notebooks spotted online

By Staff Writer 13 January 2017

Lost and perhaps found? The two Project Valerie notebooks have been spotted being sold in China for a sweet $21 733 each. FULL STORY >


Consumer privacy company TrackOFF seeking local partners and resellers

By Press Release 12 January 2017

TrackOFF is software that enables consumers to use the Internet without having to forfeit their privacy rights FULL STORY >


Top 10 games of 2016 – what developers have to say

By Staff Writer 8 December 2016

With the Game Awards 2016 bestowing its highest honours to Blizzard’s Overwatch, the rest of the year’s top 10 games lists are also starting to emerge. The Guardian has given its nod to Uncharted 4, but also done something different,... FULL STORY >


Samsung’s Digital Hospital Management Systems improve efficiency

By Press Release 30 November 2016

Revolutionary treatment technologies are fast improving healthcare around the world. Supporting this, Samsung’s innovative digital hospital management systems further enhance patient-centric care and hospital efficiency. FULL STORY >


Innovation is switching from a product focus to differentiating the customer experience finds Accenture

By Press Release 30 November 2016

With $1 Billion in revenues up for grabs, leading companies are moving beyond products to create a superior connected customer experience. FULL STORY >


Microsoft Underground Tour: HoloLens and beyond

By Ryan Noik 25 November 2016

As we headed to the home stretch, it was time to reach the pinnacle of the Microsoft Underground Tour, and a chance to go hands on with Microsoft’s mixed reality device, HoloLens. FULL STORY >


Microsoft Underground Tour: A Time for Transformation

By Ryan Noik 25 November 2016

The penultimate in-depth topic before the conclusion of our report back from Microsoft’s Underground tour. Held at Microsoft HQ in Redmond, Washington, the next topic was also one of the most alluring – digital transformation. FULL STORY >


Microsoft Underground Tour: Technology for the good of all Part 2

By Ryan Noik 24 November 2016

With examples given of actual cases where Microsoft had challenged the government and won, the conversation on cloud quickly turned to a critical key – trust. FULL STORY >


Connectivity not assured without dual-medium fibre approach

By Press Release 24 November 2016

The universal adage that time is money has never been more accurate. In the current ultra-modern age, where technology is driven by daily innovation, any business seeking success simply cannot afford to be offline, or fall behind with... FULL STORY >


How can you make sure your business is relevant in 5 years’ time?

By Press Release 22 November 2016

Steven Cohen, head of Sage One International examines why constantly innovating requires continually asking yourself questions, your customers questions and your team members’ questions. FULL STORY >


Big Data: Cross-Industry Data Sharing

By Press Release 22 November 2016

The vast amount of data generated and collected each day is staggering, and data’s ability to align and grow companies within any single industry – even across industries – is truly unprecedented. Innovation Groups’ Andries van Staden discusses Big... FULL STORY >


Beyond Wireless provides global vaccine cold chain solution to help save millions of lives

By Press Release 22 November 2016

Johannesburg based company, Beyond Wireless, has developed a simple, user-friendly African solution to the global challenge of monitoring the vaccine cold chain, ColdCloud, which helps to prevent millions... FULL STORY >


Microsoft Underground Tour: Technology for the good of all Part 1

By Ryan Noik 21 November 2016

While it was a departure from the innovation theme, another focus that vied for attention was no less fascinating, attention shifting to how technology in general and cloud in particular could be used for good. FULL STORY >

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