Microsoft Underground Tour: Revving the engines of innovation

By Ryan Noik 21 November 2016

With Microsoft Research, the future of computing, and the hardware labs behind us, the next destination on the Microsoft Underground Tour was also one of the most inspiring. Named The Garage, this had nothing to do with cars and... FULL STORY >


Asus' insane ROG GX800 gaming notebook lands Feb for R130K

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 18 November 2016

Is the Asus ROG GX800, the gaming notebook to end all gaming notebooks? The R129 999 price tag certainly suggests so. FULL STORY >


Microsoft Underground Tour: Welcome to Area 51

By Ryan Noik 18 November 2016

The next stop on the tour of Microsoft Headquarters in Redmond, Washington, took us into Microsoft’s own Area 51, also known as its harware labs. FULL STORY >


Microsoft Underground Tour: The next era of computing

By Ryan Noik 18 November 2016

Before delving into Microsoft’s Garage and hardware Labs, a quick detour was in order, to revisit the future, how science fiction has already become fact, and then consider the next big thing in computing. FULL STORY >


Gemalto pioneers SIM Reactivation solution to help network operators

By Press Release 16 November 2016

Gemalto, the world leader in digital security, announces LinqUs SIM Reactivation, the world’s first solution for real-time reactivation of dormant SIMs that allows operators to seamlessly reconnect lost prepaid subscribers... FULL STORY >


The importance of people change management when implementing an ITSM project

By Press Release 15 November 2016

By Edward Carbutt, Executive Director at Marval Africa FULL STORY >


Microsoft Underground Tour: Research projects uncovered

By Ryan Noik 11 November 2016

The second part of the behind the scenes look at Microsoft Research focused on practicalities, with the potential of predicting weather phenomena, the future of growing food and placing data centres in unexpected locations being among some... FULL STORY >


Microsoft Underground Tour: Into the research labs

By Ryan Noik 11 November 2016

With the foundations laid, and its renewed culture explained, Microsoft’s attention on our tour then turned to its research department. Here is where we began to see Microsoft’s promise that it had become more innovative take more tangible... FULL STORY >


First trailer for Valerian and the city of a Thousand Planets has arrived

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 11 November 2016

Directed by The Fifth Element's Luc Besson, the first trailer for Valerian and the city of a Thousand Planets showcases a movie that could be really good or really bad. FULL STORY >


US Company TrackOFF committed to reduce online fraud in South Africa

By Press Release 10 November 2016

Focused on empowering South Africans, TrackOFF seeks to enable consumers to use the Internet without having to forfeit their privacy rights FULL STORY >


Accelerating innovation and powering new experiences with AI

By Press Release 9 November 2016

Facebook's long-term roadmap is focused on building foundational technologies in three areas: connectivity, artificial intelligence, and virtual reality. We believe that major research and engineering breakthroughs in each of these... FULL STORY >


Microsoft Underground Tour: Exploring the culture shift

By Ryan Noik 9 November 2016

Microsoft’s Underground Tour, which TechSmart was invited to attend, held many gems. One of these was a frank and illuminating discussion on company culture, as Microsoft walked us through how, and why, today’s Microsoft has changed... FULL STORY >


Microsoft offers in-depth look at its strategy

By Ryan Noik 9 November 2016

To get an indepth behind the scenes view of Microsoft in action, TechSmart was invited to spend some time with the company from its headquarters in Seattle. Ryan Noik reports back. FULL STORY >


Private and public sectors must work together to bring Africa’s forgotten telecom markets online

By Press Release 8 November 2016

Suveer Ramdhani, chief development officer at SEACOM notes that a lack of engineering skills in some countries, governments and private sector should work together to improve broadband penetration... FULL STORY >


The IoT isn’t only for big businesses – it’s a driver of innovation for SMEs, too

By Press Release 7 November 2016

The Internet of Things is not only for big businesses – it will also create a wealth of opportunities for smaller enterprises to transform their business processes, drive efficiency and become more... FULL STORY >

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