Starcraft 2 midnight launch

By Johan Keyter 27 July 2010

After a twelve year wait, Starcraft 2 last night finally made its way to the hands of eager gamers all around the globe. FULL STORY >


Massive artist collection for DJ Hero 2

By Hanleigh Daniels 16 July 2010

Activision will release DJ Hero 2 for the Xbox 360, PS3 and Wii by October. FULL STORY >


Transformers War for Cybertron

By Hanleigh Daniels 14 July 2010

Armed with an engrossing storyline and good graphics, Transformers: War for Cybertron, is an offering that will satisfy fans of the Transformers franchise. FULL STORY >


Gaming News Round-up -Gamer-friendly PC coming

By Hanleigh Daniels 9 July 2010

More details about the King of Pop this week in the Gaming News Round-up, while Activision wants to free game publishers from the console makers stranglehold on platform-based online gaming with a gamer-friendly PC saviour. FULL STORY >


DJ Hero 2 details emerge

By Tom Manners 9 June 2010

In anticipation of this years E3 gaming conference details behind the sequel to Activisions surprise hit from last year, DJ Hero, are beginning to surface. FULL STORY >


Guide to Call of Duty Black Ops

By Tom Manners 4 June 2010

What we know so far about Activisions upcoming release. FULL STORY >


Thumb Wars destined for the US

By Hanleigh Daniels 3 May 2010

The rights to the TV format of the local reality show, Thumb Wars, have been sold to an American producer. FULL STORY >


Gaming News Roundup - PS3 and PSP land on Facebook

By Hanleigh Daniels 23 April 2010

In gaming news this week Sony's PS3 and PSP have finally landed on Facebook, while Activision might have lost out on its chance to be the first to announce its new James Bond title, thanks to a UK online retailer. FULL STORY >


MultiChoice on 3D broadcasting

By Mike Joubert 15 April 2010

While 3D telly is making its way into the country, it seems like actual 3D broadcasts are a bit further off. TechSmart spoke to Jackie Rakitla, general manager of Corporate Affairs at MultiChoice, to find out more about their 3D timeline. FULL STORY >


Samsung goes 3D in SA

By Mike Joubert 31 March 2010

Samsung's range includes their premium plasma TV line, the 7000 Series, which now includes Samsung's proprietary built-in 3D processor, and their new LED TV 8000 and 7000 Series. FULL STORY >


Modern Warfare 2 blasts its way to $1 billion

By Hanleigh Daniels 14 January 2010

Sales of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 have surpassed the $1 billion mark. FULL STORY >


From 2D to 3D thanks to Toshiba

By Staff Writer 7 January 2010

The ZX900 Series CELL TV from Toshiba converts regular 2D content into 3D FULL STORY >


Call of Duty iPhone App

By Thomas McKinnon 6 August 2009

Activision has released a free Call of Duty: World at War Companion app for the iPhone. FULL STORY >


Active Vision AV-580

By Mike Joubert 22 May 2009

With this ?¡device installed in your vehicles you kill two birds with one stone due to the AV-580 not only providing live tracking and a 100% accurate logbook, but also vehicle ?¡recovery in case your vehicle is stolen or hijacked. FULL STORY >


Call of Duty World at War

By Thomas McKinnon 2 December 2008

The co-op campaign allows players to rank up and unlock perks in competitive multiplayer by completing challenges and earning experience points, adding continuous re-playability and team-based gameplay. FULL STORY >

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