Sony Walkman Headphones - NWZ-WH303

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 14 April 2014

Sony's 3-in-1 Walkman headphones are feature rich and pack plenty of functionality. But is that enough to distract from its chucky, cumbersome design? FULL STORY >


Sony Ericsson Live with Walkman

By Hanleigh Daniels 31 October 2011

Sony Ericsson delivers a more social music experience via its Live with Walkman smartphone that boasts a dedicated Walkman button and speaker performance enhancements. FULL STORY >


Sony calls quits on Cassette Walkman

By Tom Manners 25 October 2010

Sony has finally retired this iconic piece of technology FULL STORY >


New Sony Ericsson Walkman phones

By Hanleigh Daniels 14 April 2010

SE has launched the Zylo and the Spiro, two new Walkman phones that boast social networking capabilities as well. FULL STORY >

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