Updated Facebook and Twitter apps for BlackBerry 10 released

By Staff Writer 2 April 2013

Those who bought the latest BlackBerry Z10 will be happy to learn that updated versions of Facebook and Twitter have been released for BlackBerry 10. FULL STORY >


BlackBerry Z10 part 1

By Mike Joubert 14 March 2013

In a country where almost half of all smartphones are BlackBerrys, is the new Z10 the phone everyone is waiting for? And just how good is the BlackBerry 10 OS? Read to find out. FULL STORY >


BlackBerry Z10 part 2

By Mike Joubert 14 March 2013

The wait is finally over for BlackBerry fans eager to find out if the first BlackBerry 10 operating smartphone lives up to their lofty expectations. FULL STORY >


BlackBerry Z10 launching locally tomorrow

By Hanleigh Daniels 21 February 2013

BlackBerry's new Z10 smartphone will be available from both MTN and Vodacom as of 22 February. FULL STORY >


BlackBerry 10 plus two smartphones revealed

By Hanleigh Daniels 31 January 2013

BlackBerry launches its new mobile platform and the first couple of devices running the new software. FULL STORY >

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