One third of South Africans deem standalone social media apps unsafe and choose mobile browsers instead

By Press Release 17 April 2018

According to Opera’s State of the mobile web report Q1 2018, 35 percent of South Africans prefer to access social media through their mobile browser. FULL STORY >


Chrome now cutting power to background tabs

By Staff Writer 16 March 2017

Starting in version 57, Chrome will throttle individual background tab, helping to save power. FULL STORY >


Oracle planning to put an end to its Java browser plug-in

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 28 January 2016

Citing lack of support from popular browsers like Chrome, Safari and Firefox, Oracle says it will deprecate its Java browser plug-in with the next update, scheduled for 22 September 2016. FULL STORY >


Microsoft unveils silent update plans

By Ryan Noik 20 December 2011

Microsoft recently revealed that it will be silently and automatically updating its Internet Explorer browser on users' computers from January 2012. FULL STORY >


Mozilla team offers sneak peak at Firefox for tablets

By Ryan Noik 31 August 2011

The Mozilla Mobile development team has offered a sneak peak into what users of the Firefox browser on tablets can expect from a forthcoming new iteration. FULL STORY >


Opera Barracuda unleashed

By Johan Keyter 18 March 2011

Opera launches the beta version of its new Opera 11.10 web browser, codenamed 'Barracuda'. FULL STORY >


Safari and IE fall to hackers

By Johan Keyter 10 March 2011

Apple's Safari and Microsoft's Internet Explorer web browsers were once again quickly infiltrated in the annual Pwn2Own hacking contest. FULL STORY >


Opera hits 100 million users

By Johan Keyter 11 February 2011

Opera Software reports hitting the 100 million user milestone for its web browser software. FULL STORY >


Opera 11 available now

By Johan Keyter 17 December 2010

Opera Software releases its new Opera 11 web browser, bringing a multitude of new features to the web browsing world. FULL STORY >


Sony pick Chrome

By Thomas McKinnon 2 September 2009

Sony announced yesterday that its VAIO-branded computers sold in the US will have Google Chrome preinstalled. FULL STORY >


The browser wars heat up again

By Lance Terner 3 October 2008

These days it seems like the browser wars have new changes happening by the week. FULL STORY >

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