RSA Conference 2015: Trend Micro showcases adaptive protection to defend against targeted attacks

By Staff Writer 11 May 2015

Trend Micro today announced it will showcase its solutions to support customers in their defense against, and response to, targeted attacks at RSA Conference 2015. FULL STORY >


Kaspersky Lab reflects on biggest Q1 Cyberthreats

By Staff Writer 8 May 2015

With cyberthreats popping up like mushrooms these days, it's valuable to take a step back and reflect on the current situation. This is exactly what Kaspersky Lab has done, with a look back on the most important cyberthreats during during the... FULL STORY >


Sextortion goes mobile and gets personal

By Staff Writer 21 April 2015

According to a new research paper released by Trend Micro, cybercriminals are developing new ways of executing sextortion in order to make money. FULL STORY >


BT launches BT Assure Cyber

By Staff Writer 15 April 2015

BT has announced the launch of BT Assure Cyber, an advanced security platform designed to offer complete and comprehensive monitoring, detection and protection against cyber threats targeted at private sector and government organisations. FULL STORY >


Protecting the enterprise from evolving cybercrime attacks

By Staff Writer 13 April 2015

High profile cyber-attacks on blue-chip global companies have sent shockwaves around the technology industry. FULL STORY >


BT enhances security portfolio with Darktrace’s cyber threat detection capabilities

By Staff Writer 20 March 2015

BT today announced that it is integrating technology from Darktrace, one of the world’s fastest growing cyber threat defence companies, to deliver next-generation cyber threat detection and intelligence... FULL STORY >


Top new compacts - first half 2014

By Ryan Noik 17 February 2014

There have been a number of terrific compacts begging for eye-time the past few weeks, with the most difficult decision being which should grace your hip. FULL STORY >


The end of the Silk Road

By Ryan Noik 7 November 2013

The internet has undeniably brought massive changes and many benefits, but it also has its sordid and dark side. Just one such example is the recent demise of the Silk Road. FULL STORY >


Cyberattackers access 2.9 million Adobe users’ details

By Ryan Noik 7 October 2013

Adobe has fallen foul of a cyberattack – and the disturbing news is that some 2.9 million Adobe customers’ accounts have been compromised. FULL STORY >


Three most eyebrow raising cybercrimes in South Africa

By Ryan Noik 23 September 2013

We’ve been hearing for quite some time about the very real threat of cybercrime globally, and South Africa is certainly not exempt from this threat.Here are just three cybercrimes that typify how pervasive the issue is. FULL STORY >


Cybersecurity survey counts the costs of a security breach

By Ryan Noik 6 August 2013

A new survey has quantified the costs associated with cyber-security breaches – and for large and small enterprises alike, it isn’t pretty. FULL STORY >


Man implants magnets in his ear to deliver music without headphones

By Thomas McKinnon 1 July 2013

Begging the question whether we are seeing the dawn of cybernetic implants, a man in Utah has implanted magnets in his ears to hear music in-ear without headphones. FULL STORY >


MTN - Arrest made in R5 million airtime voucher theft case

By Staff Writer 30 May 2013

MTN reveals that a suspect has been arrested in a case of theft involving R5 million worth of airtime. FULL STORY >


Sony Conference for Africa 2013 - Five of the best

By Staff Writer 13 May 2013

The Sony Conference for Africa 2013, recently held at the V&A Waterfront in Cape Town, showcased the best currently on offer from the Japanese consumer electronics giant. We picked five of the best. FULL STORY >


Symantec reveals cyber-espionage on the rise

By Ryan Noik 9 May 2013

Targeted attacks, which aim at stealing intellectual property, are apparently on the rise, while small businesses are in attackers' crosshairs, according to Symantec. FULL STORY >

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