Dell Technologies World Part 1: Data - the driver for new success

By Ryan Noik 4 May 2018

The first Dell Technologies World, which was held in Las Vegas this week, brought digital transformation and its real world potentials to life. FULL STORY >


Dell EMC Forum Part 4: A world of new possibility

By Ryan Noik 11 April 2018

What applications mean, the modern infrastructure journey and the importance of imagining new possibilities are some of the topics explored by Brad Pulford, director of Enterprise Solutions Group, Dell EMC South Africa. FULL STORY >


Dell EMC Forum Part 3: Embarking on the digital transformation journey

By Ryan Noik 9 April 2018

Brad Pulford, the director of the Enterprise Solutions Group, offered a deeper insight into digital transformation, the role modernised infrastructure plays and delineates some key questions enterprises can ask to begin... FULL STORY >


Dell EMC Forum Part 2: Workplace transformation, revisited

By Ryan Noik 5 April 2018

At the recent Dell Forum, Dell's Chris Buchanan sat down with TechSmart to offer insight into why workplace transformation matters now. FULL STORY >


Dell EMC Forum Part 1: The digital transformation opportunity

By Ryan Noik 3 April 2018

Digital transformation, and the digital future were once again explored at the recent Dell Forum, held in Sandton City, Johannesburg. FULL STORY >


Dell EMC Transformation today series Part 1 - Get Modern without the risk

By Press Release 13 March 2018

Not modernising your technology infrastructure is a big risk, but so are the perceived costs. Rudi van Rensburg, Senior Sales Manager Primary Storage MIT at Dell EMC, explains. FULL STORY >


Dell EMC Opinion - Realise your Digital Future

By Opinion 6 March 2018

How do businesses cope with living in an age of uncertainty? How do they leverage digital transformation to actually thrive? Doug Woolley, the general manager of Dell EMC South Africa, offers some insight. FULL STORY >


Sony Mobile shares an outlook on the future and prospective trends

By Press Release 23 November 2017

Research reveals how children’s vision of the future may not be that far off, with 79% in agreement that with technology, anything is possible, says Sony Mobile. FULL STORY >


BT and Cisco accelerate partnership for future networks

By Press Release 7 November 2017

BT has announced an extension of its strategic partnership with Cisco to include two new capabilities. FULL STORY >


Embedding tech in every conceivable device: Mastercard debuts on first Fortune Future 50

By Press Release 23 October 2017

Mastercard has debuted No.14 on the Fortune Future 50 list as leaders in the world of innovative and forward-looking companies. FULL STORY >


Bungie has three Faction Rallies in store for Destiny 2 on 26 September

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 22 September 2017

If you've tackled the Leviathan Raid with relative ease, the next Destiny 2 event to take note of is Faction Rallies, which goes live on 26 September. FULL STORY >


Digital future a fragile mix of promise and uncertainty, says Global Internet Report

By Press Release 20 September 2017

Internet Society report highlights need to do more to prepare the Internet for the future; asks if we are ready for what’s next? FULL STORY >


The Future of Work

By Press Release 31 July 2017

The future of work is being shaped by two powerful forces, the first being the growing adoption of artificial intelligence in the workplace and the second, expansion of the workforce to include both on- and off-balance-sheet talent. FULL STORY >


F5 Networks Agility 2017: Embracing change to forge ahead

By Ryan Noik 5 June 2017

The recent F5 Networks Agility 2017 conference, held in Barcelona, illuminated a particular theme - that of change - which its new CEO explored in depth. FULL STORY >


Opinion - The era of the conscious app

By Ryan Noik 1 June 2017

Martin Walshaw, senior engineer, F5 Networks provides his view on the far-reaching impact that the conscious app will have on society. FULL STORY >

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