The Future Of Technology – A Smarter, Safer World
By Press Release 7 September 2016From toddlers completely au fait with mobile devices, through to 24/7 365 online shopping or access to real-time and dynamic financial services, the enormous power and influence of technology is an intrinsic part of society. FULL STORY >

EMC and IDC join forces to foster smart city conversation
By Ryan Noik 18 July 2016While there has been much talk about smart cities, one of the most cogent discussion of the benefits, challenges and complexity associated with smart cities has come from EMC and IDC at a recent round table event in Sandton. FULL STORY >

SA lacks FinTech skills
By Press Release 20 June 2016FinTech is a booming industry throughout the African continent but South Africa is reluctant to take advantage of this opportunity. Future Talent Academy, a subsidiary of Khonology, believes the FinTech industry can be the catalyst to fixing the national crisis of... FULL STORY >

Dubai announces that it will be host city for 2017 World Future Sports Games
By Robin-Leigh Chetty 14 March 2016While Dubai might prove too hot a destination to host the Olympics, it seem perfect for robotic sports, with the city announcing that it will host 2017's World Future Sports Games. FULL STORY >

Axis Communications enables a smarter and safer future for SA rhinos
By Press Release 10 December 2015Axis Communications, the global leader in network video surveillance, has partnered with Pit-track by donating thermal imaging cameras, with the intention of finding a solution to securing the future rhinos in the... FULL STORY >

Yahoo reportedly considering selling off parts of its core business
By Robin-Leigh Chetty 2 December 2015According to The Wall Street Journal, Yahoo is seriously considering the sale of its key business assets in an attempt to safeguard the company's long-term future. FULL STORY >

The future of HR: It is more about humans and less about resources
By Press Release 19 November 2015Isn’t it strange to still use a 21st century phrase to describe the complex and delicate art of trying to get the best from the people who drive our businesses FULL STORY >

Power lacing Nike MAG's from Back to the Future becoming reality in 2016
By Robin-Leigh Chetty 22 October 2015In case you forgot, yesterday was Back to the Future day. While we still don’t have ubiquitous hoverboards, Nike has brought its self lacing MAG shoes to life, with a 2016 expected release date. FULL STORY >

Back to the Future is being brought back to the present
By Ryan Noik 2 October 2015Telltale Games has confirmed that it will be bringing its adventure game series Back to the Future back for a re-release, this time on the PS4, Xbox One as well as the Xbox 360. FULL STORY >

Watch Walt Disney animator Glen Keane use VR to draw iconic characters
By Robin-Leigh Chetty 11 September 2015With four decades of animation experience at Walt Disney, Glen Keane uses a VR headset to draw as part of a video for this year's Future of StoryTelling Summit. FULL STORY >

Telkom launches FutureMakers – driving ICT innovation and growth
By Staff Writer 7 May 2015Telkom today announced an investment of over R100 million in enterprise and supplier development with the launch of its FutureMakers programme. FULL STORY >

How Tech will change how work gets done
By Ryan Noik 15 April 2015Technology is set to change how work is done, according to Brendan McAravey, the country manager for Citrix South Africa. FULL STORY >

Brighter Futures Tuition
By Staff Writer 13 March 2015A South African start-up, Brighter Futures Tuition, has developed an innovative mobile platform that helps learners improve their maths marks by up to 14% within a matter of months. FULL STORY >

The ways of work set to change
By Ryan Noik 18 February 2015In a revealing and times exciting interview with Brendan McAravey, country manager for Citrix South Africa, both the future and the present state of work came under scrutiny. FULL STORY >

2014 - Top Movies of the year
By Spling 4 December 2014With only December standing in the way of 2015, movie fundi Spling rounds-up the best releases of 2014. FULL STORY >
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