Violence breeding violence
By Hanleigh Daniels 19 January 2010Adult film star Ron Jeremy and Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez express their opinions on the dangers of violent video games. FULL STORY >

Modern Warfare 2 blasts its way to $1 billion
By Hanleigh Daniels 14 January 2010Sales of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 have surpassed the $1 billion mark. FULL STORY >

Darksiders released
By Hanleigh Daniels 12 January 2010The highly anticipated action adventure, Darksiders, is now available in South Africa. FULL STORY >

Five Furious Games for 2010
By Staff Writer 11 January 20102010 is shaping up to be an awesome year to be a gamer. Here are five hot titles to look forward to. FULL STORY >

By Thomas McKinnon 22 December 2009The idea of a Saw game is perhaps more disturbing than the movies as it's interactive and consequently the game has the potential to be far more terrifying than the movies. But, the game just doesn't live up to its potential. FULL STORY >

EA Sport Active More Workouts
By Thomas McKinnon 15 December 2009Active More Workouts is an intense fitness game that will get you working up a sweat and shedding some weight. It is the best Wii fitness title weve come across to date. FULL STORY >

Free GT 5 Time Trail Challenge demo
By Hanleigh Daniels 10 December 2009A free playable demo of Gran Turismo 5 will be available for download within the month. FULL STORY >

A Socially relevant Xbox 360
By Hanleigh Daniels 16 November 2009Microsoft has announced that social networking tools will be made available to Xbox 360 users from November 17, 2009. FULL STORY >

Wii Fit Plus
By Thomas McKinnon 10 November 2009The Wii Fit Plus is a good follow up to the Wii Fit. It features a number of new games, a calorie counter and customised workouts. It is more of an update than a new offering however, but it is priced as such. FULL STORY >

Uncharted 2 Among Thieves
By Thomas McKinnon 6 November 2009With a solid storyline, impressive gameplay and outstanding graphics, Uncharted 2 is a serious contender for the next PS3 game of the year title. FULL STORY >

Pro Evolution Soccer 2010
By Thomas McKinnon 30 October 2009PES 2010 is a far superior game to PES 2009 with impressive graphics, friendlier menu system and streamlined online play. Its poor animations, terrible commentary and lack of licenses are still an issue though. FULL STORY >

A1GP Tipping Game
By Thomas McKinnon 19 October 2009An online A1 prediction competition, the A1 Tipping Game lets you predict the results of each Grand Prix in the season. With weekly prizes and the thrill of pretending to be a pundit it\'s good fun. FULL STORY >

The Beatles Rock Band Review
By Brigitte 6 October 2009What may soon become the world\'s most popular rhythm game, The Beatles Rock Band looks as trippy as it is to play. Strum, drum and jam like a Beatle, even if its just in your TV room. FULL STORY >

Stephen Viljoen
By Mike Joubert 5 October 2009Local boy, Stephen Viljoen, is the chief operations officer of London based Slightly Mad Studios, the creators of EAs awesome backtobasics Need for Speed SHIFT. He sheds some light on the creation process. FULL STORY >

Need for Speed SHIFT
By Mike Joubert 25 September 2009Need for Speed SHIFT takes players in a different direction from conventional racing games, creating a simulation experience that replicates the feeling of driving highend performance cars. With awesome graphics, a realistic sense of speed and variety of tracks it gets the... FULL STORY >
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