SA solution recognised by Gartner

By Press Release 25 July 2023

Specialist software engineering company MIP Holdings, which focuses on creating and delivering bespoke solutions for financial services organisations, has been featured in Gartner’s latest Market Guide for Life Policy Admin Systems, EMEA. FULL STORY >


Your (perpetual) digital journey

By Industry Contributor 17 March 2023

By Johan Potgieter, Cluster Industrial Software Lead at Schneider Electric FULL STORY >


Gartner names BrandMail #1 global email signature solution

By Staff Writer 16 September 2022

BrandQuantum has today announced that technology research and consulting company, Gartner has rated BrandMail the number one email signature solution globally. FULL STORY >


Relevance of digital workplace solutions for companies in South Africa

By Press Release 17 June 2021

ITC Infotech has invested in building a secure digital workplace solution over the years, for a differentiated offering with a proven value proposition. FULL STORY >


Get connected with your customer in 2021, or else...

By Industry Contributor 22 January 2021

The world has changed. The customer has changed. Have you? FULL STORY >


Blue Prism earns the Leaders nod from Gartner for RPA

By Press Release 6 August 2020

Blue Prism a global leader in intelligent automation, has again been positioned by Gartner, Inc. in the Leaders quadrant of the “Magic Quadrant for Robotic Process Automation (RPA). FULL STORY >


7 security focus areas for Covid-19 - Gartner

By Staff Writer 30 April 2020

In a sea of overwhelming priorities, Gartner believes security and risk teams should focus on seven areas. FULL STORY >


Gartner - 3 steps to improve Virtual Meetings during Coronavirus Pandemic

By Staff Writer 23 April 2020

As employees become more dependent on these virtual meeting and collaboration tools, IT leaders should follow these three steps to provide an improved and secure user experience. FULL STORY >


Global PC market experienced sharpest decline since 2013 - Gartner

By Staff Writer 15 April 2020

The Corona virus has, as expected, impacted the PC market quite drastically. FULL STORY >


Gartner - Contingency plans will minimise business impacts of Coronavirus event disruptions

By Staff Writer 7 April 2020

Contingency plans will minimise the business impact of cancelled or postponed events and enable organisations to overcome associated disruptions due to coronavirus, according to ICT research firm... FULL STORY >


Gartner - 5-phase approach for business continuity in the age of Covid-19

By Staff Writer 26 March 2020

CIOs can play a key role in the process of raising current business model resilience to ensure ongoing operations. FULL STORY >


Gartner identifies 3 key objectives for sales leaders to prepare for coronavirus-related disruptions

By Staff Writer 19 March 2020

As the global coronavirus pandemic rises, chief sales officers (CSOs) and senior sales leaders must prepare their organisations to manage risk and take fast action, according to Gartner, Inc. FULL STORY >


IT - Areas of focus during COVID-19 outbreak for operational continuity

By Staff Writer 12 March 2020

Gartner believes organisations around the world can take proactive steps now to maintain as much operational continuity as possible. FULL STORY >


Top CX trends for CIOs to Watch

By Staff Writer 3 March 2020

Gartner predicts that by 2022, 70% of customer interactions will involve emerging technologies such as machine learning (ML) applications, chatbots and mobile messaging, up from 15% in 2018. FULL STORY >


5G to positively impact smartphone sales in 2020 - Gartner

By Staff Writer 30 January 2020

Recovery on the cards after a lackluster 2019. FULL STORY >

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