Internet-providing satellites on the agenda for SpaceX in 2019

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 4 May 2017

The next step for Elon Musk's company is sending internet-providing satellites into space. FULL STORY >


Alphabet has used machine learning to improve Project Loon

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 17 February 2017

The team behind Project Loon have developed a smarter way to beam down bandwidth to areas in need of it. FULL STORY >


Onroot brings free Wi-Fi to taxis with Moovah! app

By Staff Writer 30 April 2015

Onroot, together with Absa and SA Taxi, has launched the Moovah! app to bring free Wi-Fi services and internet connectivity to taxi commuters. FULL STORY >


Miro IP Convergence Conference deemed a success

By Ryan Noik 12 August 2011

The Miro 2011 IP Convergence Conference, held earlier this month in Midrand, has been met with enthusiastic praise from exhibitors and attendees. FULL STORY >


Wireless technology could boost national growth

By Ryan Noik 3 August 2011

The benefits and pitfalls of wireless technology were discussed in detail at the recent Miro IP Convergence conference held in Midrand. FULL STORY >


Vodacom slashes internet connectivity costs

By Hanleigh Daniels 1 February 2010

From January 2010 Vodacom Business customers will enjoy a 50% reduction in the cost of their internet connectivity. FULL STORY >

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