Social lending and crowd funding uncovered
By Ryan Noik 28 August 2012Social lending and crowd funding both herald new trends in raising capital that are emerging across the web. FULL STORY >

Tradepage on board Cloud and Virtualisation Summit Africa
By Staff Writer 23 August 2012Tradepage to act as solutions provider during the third annual Cloud and Virtualisation Summit Africa. FULL STORY >

Kaspersky Lab presents its Q2 2012 spam report
By Staff Writer 17 August 2012Kaspersky Lab provides a recap of the activities of spammers during Q2 2012. FULL STORY >

Twitter records for London 2012 Olympics
By Hanleigh Daniels 13 August 2012Twitter takes a look back at the London 2012 Olympic Games and the record tweet tallies it produced. FULL STORY >

StatCounter - Android browser leads mobile web charge
By Hanleigh Daniels 8 August 2012StatCounter reveals its latest mobile browser stats. FULL STORY >

StatCounter - Chrome takes a third of browser market
By Hanleigh Daniels 7 August 2012Google's Chrome expands its lead over IE according to Statcounter. FULL STORY >

Cell C drops standard data tariff to 15 c per MB
By Staff Writer 1 August 2012Cell C decreases its standard data rate to a low 15 cent per MB. FULL STORY >

Dropbox accounts compromised in security breach
By Ryan Noik 1 August 2012Dropbox has confirmed that several Dropbox accounts may have been compromised, and detailed impending security measures that it will be implementing in response. FULL STORY >

Mobile web trends in Africa
By Hanleigh Daniels 30 July 2012Latest State of the Mobile Web Report focuses on Africa as total Opera mobile browser users cross 200 million mark. FULL STORY >

SA in early phase of consumer adoption of cloud storage
By Hanleigh Daniels 27 July 2012Microsoft announces the results of its newest MSN poll. FULL STORY >

Kaspersky Lab rolls out new security suite for Macs
By Staff Writer 26 July 2012Kaspersky Lab reveals a new security suite for Mac computer users, with more threats popping up. FULL STORY >

Kaspersky Lab - noticeable drop in unsolicited mail
By Staff Writer 23 July 2012Kaspersky Lab releases its spam report for the month of June, showing a drop in the amount of unsolicited mail. FULL STORY >

Pingdom reveals latest Firefox usage stats
By Hanleigh Daniels 19 July 2012Pingdom takes a closer look at the usage worldwide for Mozillas Firefox desktop browser. FULL STORY >

Mozilla releases Firefox 14
By Hanleigh Daniels 18 July 2012Mozilla makes the latest version of its PC browser, Firefox 14, available for download. FULL STORY >

Twitter mobile app for iPhone and Android updated
By Hanleigh Daniels 11 July 2012Twitter brings new features to the latest versions of its mobile app for Android-based mobile devices and the iPhone. FULL STORY >
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