Solving South Africa’s reading crisis requires free and improved access to books
By Staff Writer 14 October 2022Kibooks.Online, and in partnership with Vuma, have created a subscription-based digital library to South African children of all ages, languages and backgrounds. FULL STORY >

Cisco collaborates with National Library of South Africa to address SA’s skills development challenge
By Staff Writer 24 March 2022Cisco and the National Library of South Africa (NLSA) are launching a series of digital learning hubs across the country. The initiative is part of Cisco’s Country Digital Acceleration... FULL STORY >

The Goethe-Institut opens Library-Gamebox-Hub in Joburg
By Staff Writer 1 August 2017Including a state-of-the-art gaming facility, creative hub and library, the Goethe-Institut's new space is now open to the public. FULL STORY >

Netflix plans for half its catalogue to be original programming in next few years
By Robin-Leigh Chetty 21 September 2016With hits like Stranger Things, Narcos and Orange is the New Black under its belt, Netflix says it plans to have at least 50% original programming in the next few years. FULL STORY >

5 million strong Vinyl collection becoming non-profit music library
By Robin-Leigh Chetty 18 March 2015Brazilian businessman Zero Freitas turning his five million vinyl record collection into a non-profit public library for Sao Paulo music lovers to enjoy. FULL STORY >

Ancient manuscripts meet modern technology
By Ryan Noik 17 August 2011iPad users will be able to download and buy rare manuscripts, which have been converted into electronic format by the British Library. FULL STORY >

Google digitising British Library treasures
By Johan Keyter 22 June 2011Google Books enters into a partnership with the British Library to digitise some 40 million pages of human history, and make it all fully searchable online. FULL STORY >

June Web Time Wasters
By Hanleigh Daniels 6 June 2010We searched far and wide to bring the best the web has to offer. FULL STORY >
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