Q&A with Stephen Spling Aspeling on his new book The Essence of Dreams

By Staff Writer 24 July 2023

Stephen 'Spling' Aspeling has been informing/entertaining us through his movie reviews for more than 16 years. Now, with his new book The Essence of Dreams: An Anthology of Film Reviews launching, we caught up with him to... FULL STORY >


Blair Witch

By Spling 22 September 2016

Blair Witch is a terrifying ordeal and a strong redux. FULL STORY >


5 Life-Changing Documentaries

By Spling 7 April 2014

The past few years have seen a resurgence in quality documentaries. Here are some of the best ones. FULL STORY >


Top 5 worst movies ever

By Spling 5 March 2014

Horrible, stupid, ridiculous, sies, gagga, goor and just plain bad. Here is our list of the Top 5 worst movies ever. FULL STORY >


Movie Review: Gravity

By Spling 17 October 2013

Gravity is a moving space film about a medical engineer and an astronaut, who work together to survive after an accident leaves them adrift in space. FULL STORY >


Movie review - Now You See Me

By Spling 8 August 2013

Now You See Me is best described as an Ocean's Eleven-styled heist with flashes of Inception. The Las Vegas showmanship, smooth criminals in suits and elaborate scheming bring the same brand of sharp-witted banter, thrilling escapade and flashy characters into... FULL STORY >


After Earth

By Staff Writer 14 June 2013

After Earth is not the comeback M. Night Shyamalan is looking for, writes movie critic Spling. FULL STORY >

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