Living in the 'Future Cities' of tomorrow: Innovation brings the future closer
By Press Release 31 March 2017Digital technology holds the key to the successful transformation of cities. It can accelerate and enable economic prosperity and commerce, improve safety and security, and make a real impact on the quality of life... FULL STORY >

North-West University partners with Standard Bank SA to grow innovators and inventors
By Press Release 29 March 2017The North-West University (NWU) has now partnered with Standard Bank SA to bridge this commercial gap in order to benefit industry investors, research entities and the everyday citizen. FULL STORY >
Dell EMC Forum Part 2: Six rules for dealing with disruption
By Ryan Noik 14 March 2017Nigel Moulton’s speech on the six rules of disruption at the DellEMC Forum, proved to be a must-listen, for any industry dealing with the changeable nature of our times. FULL STORY >

Expect to be disrupted: A smart approach to investing in innovation
By Press Release 22 February 2017That innovation is important and necessary for survival goes without saying. While there is no universal solution for organisations looking to improve their ability to generate, develop, and disseminate new ideas, some... FULL STORY >

Samsung Africa Forum brings top innovation to Cape Town in February
By Press Release 21 February 2017The 8th annual event will showcase the latest technologies designed with Africa in mind. FULL STORY >

Microsoft Technology Summit Part 2: Exploring Innovation
By Ryan Noik 14 February 2017Following on from the first exploration, of open source and its relevance today, in part 1, the next topic up for discussion at the Microsoft Technology Summit, was innovation. FULL STORY >

Huawei Nova
By Robin-Leigh Chetty 7 February 2017A great mix of design, specifications and features, the Huawei Nova is a premium mid-range that certainly warrants a second look. FULL STORY >

The Huawei Nova now available in South Africa
By Robin-Leigh Chetty 1 February 2017The Chinese manufacturer's latest premium mid-range offering is now available in SA. FULL STORY >

The future of selfies: no longer just a picture
By Press Release 27 January 2017New research finds consumers are ready to embrace selfies as a tool for banking, shopping, healthcare and more. FULL STORY >
Addressing the laws of innovation
By Press Release 16 January 2017Genesys Interactive Intelligence forum reveals that only innovations that diminish a limitation and change market rules will become disruptive FULL STORY >

Innovation is switching from a product focus to differentiating the customer experience finds Accenture
By Press Release 30 November 2016With $1 Billion in revenues up for grabs, leading companies are moving beyond products to create a superior connected customer experience. FULL STORY >

Microsoft Underground Tour: HoloLens and beyond
By Ryan Noik 25 November 2016As we headed to the home stretch, it was time to reach the pinnacle of the Microsoft Underground Tour, and a chance to go hands on with Microsoft’s mixed reality device, HoloLens. FULL STORY >

Microsoft Underground Tour: A Time for Transformation
By Ryan Noik 25 November 2016The penultimate in-depth topic before the conclusion of our report back from Microsoft’s Underground tour. Held at Microsoft HQ in Redmond, Washington, the next topic was also one of the most alluring – digital transformation. FULL STORY >

Microsoft Underground Tour: Technology for the good of all Part 2
By Ryan Noik 24 November 2016With examples given of actual cases where Microsoft had challenged the government and won, the conversation on cloud quickly turned to a critical key – trust. FULL STORY >

How can you make sure your business is relevant in 5 years’ time?
By Press Release 22 November 2016Steven Cohen, head of Sage One International examines why constantly innovating requires continually asking yourself questions, your customers questions and your team members’ questions. FULL STORY >
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