Virtual reality saving lives in SA’s platinum mining sector

By Staff Writer 16 July 2015

South Africa is world-renowned for clawing mineral wealth from the earth, often at depths that are unequalled anywhere else in the world. FULL STORY >


You’re probably wasting 20% of your telecoms spend, says Nebula -here’s how not to

By Staff Writer 23 June 2015

South African businesses are wasting up to 20% of their telecommunications spend every year. This is a staggering R20 billion, and means that for every R5 spent, R1 is being thrown down the drain. This is... FULL STORY >


Focus on SA’s ICT sector carries challenges, but also great opportunity

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 23 July 2014

With the African ICT sector viewed as a vehicle for economic growth, TechSmart Business spoke to Dimension Data’s Basha Pillay about the challenges and opportunities facing enterprises in the coming years. FULL STORY >


Microsoft focuses on enhanced mobility for local enterprises

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 11 June 2014

We recently sat down with Clifford de Wit, developer experience director at Microsoft South Africa, who provided insight on the company's approach to enterprise mobility and renewed efforts in the cloud services space. Which is great... FULL STORY >


Xmas shopping trends at DionWired

By Hanleigh Daniels 22 November 2012

DionWired launches a themed digital wonderland shopping experience for Xmas called Imaginarium. FULL STORY >


Local IT spending to reach R150 billion by 2016

By Hanleigh Daniels 1 November 2012

IDC investigates IT spending within the South Africa. FULL STORY >


Google Umbono announces four teams for tech incubator

By Staff Writer 2 November 2011

Google reveals the names of the first four entrepreneurial teams who have been chosen for the Umbono programme. FULL STORY >

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