Kaspersky teams up with INTERPOL and civil society to offer stalkerware training

By Staff Writer 15 November 2021

Kaspersky has joined with other Coalition Against Stalkerware experts to provide police officers with the requisite knowledge to investigate digital stalking. FULL STORY >


Parental dilemma – 66% of parents in South Africa struggle to follow rules they set for their own children

By Staff Writer 11 November 2021

A new global survey, commissioned by Kaspersky, explores the role of healthy digital habits in the family, as well as the effect of parents’ behaviour on children and vice versa. FULL STORY >


Cracked Hacks - When fun becomes dangerous

By Staff Writer 9 November 2021

Anna Collard, SVP of Content Strategy & Evangelist at KnowBe4 Africa, explains why pirated games aren't really free, costing time, money and your digital security. FULL STORY >


Cybersecurity: Focus on your people, lose the siloes

By Industry Contributor 29 October 2021

By Daniel Lotter, Channel Development Manager at Itec South Africa FULL STORY >


Beware the Social Engineers.

By Staff Writer 15 October 2021

It is absolutely essential for people to be mindful of what they post on social media, as there are types of attacks that hack personal accounts and steal information to be sold to the highest underground bidders. Anna Collard from KnowBe4 Africa explains. FULL STORY >


Industry Insight - Bracing for Cyber Cover in Today’s Data Era

By Industry Contributor 12 October 2021

As the world economy continues to digitise operations, supply chains, business transactions and employee and customer services, cyber-attacks continue to be cited as one of the major threats to the world. Michel Nader explains how... FULL STORY >


Study - South Africans increasingly changing attitudes of social media in favour of balanced wellness

By Staff Writer 12 October 2021

In some unexpected but welcome news, cybersecurity company Kaspersky today announced that it has launched a meditation course to help promote digital wellbeing. FULL STORY >


New service delivers first-hand cyberthreat insights on request

By Staff Writer 11 October 2021

A new service launched by Kaspersky enables businesses to bring the cybersecurity company's researchers into their security team. FULL STORY >


Examining the legacy and future of the Internet in a changing world

By Staff Writer 8 October 2021

While we were given a free and open Internet, the KnowBe4 CON asks what kind of internet will we be leaving behind? FULL STORY >


Industry Insight - Why taking the cybersecurity initiative can win you business

By Industry Contributor 8 October 2021

Consumer cybersecurity behaviour makes the CISO’s job harder, but an interesting dynamic means good cybersecurity can help you win customers, says Tris Morgan, Director of Global Advisory, BT. FULL STORY >


Why co-sourcing is a smart choice for cybersecurity now

By Staff Writer 5 October 2021

Todd Schoeman, BT Client Business Director in South Africa, shares insights on how a collaborative model for security can help organisations defend against rapidly increasing cyber threats. FULL STORY >


The Malicious Insider: Behind the Security Front Door

By Staff Writer 5 October 2021

Cybersecurity awareness is more than building defences against external attacks, it’s also being aware of the dangers that come from inside FULL STORY >


Combating fraud in the digital world with the support of AI

By Staff Writer 5 October 2021

With technology evolving and people embracing the likes of mobile wallets and banking apps businesses must rethink how best to bolster anti-fraud mechanisms, asserts SAS, with the the answer being artificial intelligence (AI). FULL STORY >


Mindful Cybersecurity: The future of security

By Staff Writer 1 October 2021

It has become absolutely critical to manage human risks effectively as it’s still the top attack vector used by cyber criminals. Anna Collard, SVP of content and evangelist at KnowBe4 Africa explains. FULL STORY >


FinFisher spyware improves its arsenal with four levels of obfuscation, UEFI infection and more

By Staff Writer 29 September 2021

Kaspersky researchers have revealed some interesting news about the updates introduced into one of the most difficult to detect pieces of spyware for Windows, Mac OS, Linux, and its installers. FULL STORY >

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