Gaming news round-up - The amazing trailers edition

By Johan Keyter 25 February 2011

In part two of this week's gaming news round-up we see some more Aussie game bans as well as checking out two amazing new trailers, for the Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim and Dead Island. FULL STORY >


Gaming news round-up Part 1 - The Skyrim edition

By Johan Keyter 11 February 2011

This week we split our gaming news round-up in two, part one looks at some delicious new Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim details, feels sorry for Kevin Butler and showcases the latest Homefront trailer. FULL STORY >


Gaming news round-up - The make your own game edition

By Johan Keyter 21 January 2011

In this week's gaming news roundup we welcome LittleBigPlanet 2 to the fray while pondering what Kinect could mean for Gears of War. FULL STORY >


The Elder Scrolls V officially unveiled

By Johan Keyter 13 December 2010

Official confirmation of the long awaited The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is finally received. FULL STORY >

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