Glass, the surprising superhero trilogy, gets a trailer

By Staff Writer 23 July 2018

When M. Night Shyamalan debuted Unbreakable in 2000, who would have thought it would turn into a superhero trilogy? FULL STORY >


Netflix takes to Twitter to reveal new costume for Daredevil Season Two

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 21 August 2015

With a second season comes a new costume, and now Netflix has taken to Twitter in order to show fans what Matt Murdock will be donning in season two of Daredevil. FULL STORY >


Movie Review: Fantastic Four

By Spling 19 August 2015

Fantastic Four could have and should have been so much more. It's a pity that film politics ruined what could have been, and a tragedy that they weren't able to reinvigorate a misfire superhero franchise. FULL STORY >


Wonder Woman may claim her own trilogy

By Ryan Noik 25 February 2015

Finally, Wonder Woman will be receiving some screen time love, as filming on the first Wonder Woman movie is set to begin this year. FULL STORY >


The Amazing Spider-Man 2

By Ryan Noik 26 May 2014

We love Spider-Man and we love games, but we can’t help feeling like there is a fly in the ointment with this one. FULL STORY >

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