Embracing AI as a teaching tool
By Industry Contributor 19 April 2023By Shaun Fuchs, Founder and CEO of Centennial Schools FULL STORY >

How tablets and the cloud could transform education in South Africa
By Press Release 28 July 2016South African schools and universities are struggling with the high costs of textbooks and other educational materials, a shortage of teachers in key subjects like maths and science, and difficulties in funding IT... FULL STORY >

The BoseBuild Speaker Cube is $150 DIY kit for kids
By Robin-Leigh Chetty 29 June 2016Trying to attract fans to its hardware from an early age, Bose debuts its new Speaker Cube that kids can build themselves. FULL STORY >

Minecraft releasing Education Edition in June
By Robin-Leigh Chetty 15 April 2016Minecraft is giving educators free early access to the Education Edition of its game in June, to test out the functionality and create learning plans built around the game. FULL STORY >

Ambit Technology’s solar powered classrooms to ensure sustainable e-learning for the future
By Staff Writer 19 June 2015The South African technology company Ambit’s innovative solar powered classroom is poised to provide “off-grid” electricity and connectivity to rural classrooms and help teachers overcome the... FULL STORY >
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