By 29 June 2016 | Categories: news


We're big fans of Bose's hardware, especially their new QuietComfort 35's. The company is not yet done with its new releases for 2016, debuting a new DIY Speaker Cube for kids. Part of its BoseBuild programme, the kit costs $150, with the aim of teaching children more about the science of sound, according to the American manufacturer. 

Along with educating would-be tinkerers on how different types of sound is produced, the Cube Speaker is also highly customisable. To that end, there are a variety of speaker covers, as well as a number of coloured lights to illuminate the speaker. 

Added to this, the Cube Speaker has Bluetooth functionality and can pair with any smartphone or tablet that touts the same level of connectivity. As for whether the Speaker Cube will pop up in local stores, Bose has not stated so, as of yet.


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