Sony launches new gaming titles, focuses on cross play

By Ryan Noik 5 June 2012

Sony's showing at E3 merged quality titles for both the PS3 and Vita with a noticeable focus on cross play functionality. FULL STORY >


Gaming News Round-up - The New Reveals edition

By Ryan Noik 18 May 2012

In this week's Gaming News Round-up: Blizzard apologises for Diablo 3 problems, new screenshots and concept art of Crysis 3 are released, and FIFA 13 gameplay details are revealed. FULL STORY >


New research shows iOS platform of choice for mobile gamers

By Ryan Noik 7 May 2012

According to a new report, iOS games are grossing five times more profit than their Android counterparts in the US. FULL STORY >


Gaming News Round-up - The Kratos Returns Edition

By Ryan Noik 20 April 2012

In this weekÔÇÖs Gaming News Round-up: a new God of War announced, whilst Darksiders II will remain in the development realm a couple of months longer. FULL STORY >


Gaming News Round-up - part 2 - The Good Things Ahead edition

By Ryan Noik 2 March 2012

In part two of this week's Gaming News Round-up, Angry Birds become astronauts, a large announcement on new Vita games is impending and Bioshock: Infinite is dated. FULL STORY >


PlayStation Vita comes out swinging

By Ryan Noik 29 February 2012

The PlayStation Vita has racked up impressive sales, exceeding 1.2 million units worldwide since its global launch on the 22nd of February. FULL STORY >


PS Vita - what you need to know

By Ryan Noik 13 February 2012

Is there still a place for portable consoles in the age of smartphones and tablets? On 22 February we will find out as the PS Vita lands in SA. FULL STORY >


Gaming News Round-up - Sleeping Dogs edition

By Hanleigh Daniels 10 February 2012

In this week's Gaming News Round-up: Sony readies for the PS Vita launch by announcing a full list of PSP compatible titles, whilst Square Enix reveals a new dark, gritty title called Sleeping Dogs. FULL STORY >


Gaming News Round-up - part 2 - Highs and lows edition

By Staff Writer 3 February 2012

In part 2 of this weeks Gaming News Round-up the local release titles for the PlayStation Vita are revealed, Darksiders 2 is confirmed for June and Mega Man and Pacman will appear in Street Fighter X Tekken. FULL STORY >


PS Vita hack remote plays major PS3 titles

By Staff Writer 27 January 2012

YouTube user homer49 has uploaded a number of videos showing PS3 titles running on the PS Vita via Remote Play. FULL STORY >


PlayStation Vita has bumpy but successful Japan launch

By Ryan Noik 21 December 2011

Sonys newest portable console, the PS Vita, has apparently had a bit of a bumpy launch this week. FULL STORY >


Platform Wars - the video game about video games

By Staff Writer 2 December 2011

In Platform Wars participants play the role of the senior management of a video game hardware platform producer similar to that of Sony, Nintendo or Microsoft. FULL STORY >


Gaming News Round-up - The console yourself edition

By Ryan Noik 2 December 2011

This week in the Gaming News roundup - the future of consoles is debated and Vita games to get tiered pricing. FULL STORY >


Latest update for PS3 coming this week

By Ryan Noik 30 November 2011

In preparation for the launch of the PlayStation Vita in a few months time, Sony announced this week that the latest software update for the PS3 will be released during the course of this week. FULL STORY >


Gaming News Round-up - PS Vita edition

By Hanleigh Daniels 18 November 2011

In this week's Gaming News Round-up - the pre-order details for the PlayStation Vita are revealed and DLC for the latest AssassinÔÇÖs Creed game is on the way. FULL STORY >

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