Acer eMachines EZ1601
By Mike Joubert 19 October 2009Acer\'s attractive EZ1601 nettop indicates the way forward for desktop computing. An all-in-one machine that utilises the same little Atom processor found in netbooks to provide a more compact desktop experience it is the way of the future. FULL STORY >

Open door policy at the Office
By Raymond Robinson 19 October 2009OpenOffice.org is a feature-rich suite of office applications that support documents, spreadsheets, presentations, graphics and database connectivity. Most importantly it is absolutely free to download, use and distribute. FULL STORY >

Pinnacle Studio Version 14 coming soon
By Thomas McKinnon 16 October 2009Pinnacle Studio Version 14 is locally available. It boasts some great looking features including a stop-motion capture for animated and fast-motion effects, new content and enhancements for Pinnacle Montage, a Dynamic Motion Titler tool and a new... FULL STORY >

BlackBerry Storm2 carries more thunder
By Hanleigh Daniels 15 October 2009With Wi-Fi and promises of a better touch experience, the Storm2 certainly looks yummy FULL STORY >

HP Photosmart Plus B209a 3-in-1 Printer
By Mike Joubert 13 October 2009You wouldn\'t be too far off the mark to describe HP\'s latest Photosmart Plus as one of the sleekest 3-in-1 printers ever produced. But its quality does not stop with its good looks. FULL STORY >

Books on Windows 7
By Mike Joubert 12 October 2009Windows 7 Plain & Simple, Windows 7 For Dummies and Windows 7 In Easy Steps are just a few books already available that explore Microsoft\'s latest operating system. FULL STORY >

MiFi - Make your own hotspot
By Hanleigh Daniels 12 October 2009MiFi lets you create your very own, personal WiFi bubble, or private hot spot, which you can take with you wherever you go. FULL STORY >

Acer Travelmate Timeline 8471
By Thomas McKinnon 8 October 2009Acer\'s new range of Travelmate Timeline notebooks are the picture of innovation. With low voltage processors, nifty cooling systems and multi-gesture controls they are high-end business machines. FULL STORY >

How to make Floating Pool Speakers
By Andrew Gould 7 October 2009Our step-by-step guide to making Floating Pool Speakers for your summer holidays. There is nothing more relaxing than lounging on your lilo and listening to your favourite tunes as they gently float by. FULL STORY >

Zebra and Giraffe
By Mike Joubert 6 October 2009Since its release last year, Collected Memories, the debut album from Zebra & Giraffe, has produced five hit singles. Greg Carlin, the driving force behind the band, speaks to us about his love for Napster, spam on MySpace, and he gives his prediction for vinyl. FULL STORY >

Windows 7 - What you need to know
By Mike Joubert 6 October 2009Microsoft\'s Windows 7 is set for release towards the end of the month. We look at some need-to-know info and highlights before the big day. Helpful tips, insights and links included. We just can\'t wait. FULL STORY >

Stephen Viljoen
By Mike Joubert 5 October 2009Local boy, Stephen Viljoen, is the chief operations officer of London based Slightly Mad Studios, the creators of EAs awesome backtobasics Need for Speed SHIFT. He sheds some light on the creation process. FULL STORY >

rAge 2009 kicks off
By Thomas McKinnon 2 October 2009South Africas biggest gaming expo, rAge, kicks off today, 2 October 2009. FULL STORY >

Bit Defender Total Security 2010
By Thomas McKinnon 2 October 2009BitDefender Total Security 2010 provides comprehensive proactive protection against Internet security threats, along with system maintenance and backup. FULL STORY >

First African m-novel
By Thomas McKinnon 1 October 2009Africa\'s first mobile novel or m-novel, Kontax, was launched yesterday by the Shuttleworth Foundation. FULL STORY >
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