How to Print a Wooden Bumper-sticker
By Andrew Gould 11 September 2009A step by step guide to making a wooden bumpersticker to show just how green you are. FULL STORY >

Kaspersky Internet Security 2010
By Thomas McKinnon 11 September 2009Kaspersky Internet Security 2010 is a very solid security suite with a robust set of security tools. With an innovative firewall, clever antispam feature and a new virtual environment in which to test suspect apps, 2010 is worth the purchase. FULL STORY >
BlackBerry Curve 8520 launched
By Mike Joubert 10 September 2009The new BlackBerry Curve features WiFi and optical trackpad. FULL STORY >

Sci News September
By Linda Pretorius 9 September 2009We recap some of the latest science discoveries over the last month including how engineering started in southern Africa, how wind speed can tell time and why geckos are such great climbers. FULL STORY >

Top Tech Tweeter - Aki Anastasiou
By Mike Joubert 8 September 2009If there is one guy to follow on Twitter to keep you up to date with tech its Aki Anastasiou. Resident trafficologist and presenter of Technobyte on 702, Aki has embraced social media and ran with it. TechSmart eventually managed to catch up with him. FULL STORY >

Siyavula platform opens minds
By Christina Rupp 8 September 2009Launched by the Shuttleworth Foundation, Siyavula is an initiative that aims to provide teachers with curriculum related material. Since the name Siyavula stems from Nguni and means we are opening, its an aptly named initiative that is, quite literally, opening... FULL STORY >

By Lance Terner 7 September 2009A guide to setting up your own VPN. Web resources and services that will ensure you keep your data private on public networks. FULL STORY >

Adding performance to netbooks
By Thomas McKinnon 7 September 2009Samsung launched the N140 and N510 netbooks late last week. The N140 features 11hours of battery life while the N510 brings HD to netbooks. FULL STORY >

Sony Ericsson Extra Man
By Thomas McKinnon 4 September 2009SE announced the launch of Extra Man, an interactive 2010 FIFA World Cup focused website, yesterday. FULL STORY >

Nokia launch even more phones
By Mike Joubert 3 September 2009The new phones keep on coming thick and fast from Nokia World FULL STORY >

Choosing a Linux OS
By Raymond Robinson 3 September 2009I know of many people who have replaced Microsoft with Linux, but to date Ive never heard of a person replacing Linux with Microsoft. FULL STORY >

Call of Juarez Bound in Blood
By Brigitte 3 September 2009Gold lust and blood lust Call of Juarez puts the thickness of two lawless brothers blood to the test as they blaze a trail through the Wild West in search of the Gold of Juarez. Gun slinging has never been as much fun. FULL STORY >

Sony pick Chrome
By Thomas McKinnon 2 September 2009Sony announced yesterday that its VAIO-branded computers sold in the US will have Google Chrome preinstalled. FULL STORY >

Canon EOS 7D unveiled
By Thomas McKinnon 2 September 2009Canon announced the availability of its new EOS 7D digital SLR camera yesterday. FULL STORY >

Billion BiPAC 2073 N
By Thomas McKinnon 28 August 2009The Billion Wireless-N HomePlug AV 200 combines a high-speed wireless \'\'N\'\' access point with a Homeplug AV adapter, giving the best of both worlds in one easy-to-use device. FULL STORY >
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