By 22 April 2022 | Categories: Events




As the ‘Covid cloak’ begins to lift, certain consumer habits which were not as prevalent pre-Covid remain. Among them is not only the propensity for consumers to shop online, but also the need for small businesses to take their offerings onto e-Commerce platforms in order to reach the consumer in the absence of opportunities to sell in a bricks and mortar store. A stumbling block for these micro e-Commerce sites is being able to market their products effectively at affordable rates. In response to this need, the Virtual Parenting Experience powered by Momentum Medical Scheme has extended their Dedicated Brand Engagement and Retail e-Commerce Space to e-Commerce SMMEs at competitive and affordable rates creating an opportunity to promote their brands and sell products from their shops.

Amanda Rogaly, Chief Mommy and Founder of and The Virtual Parenting Experience powered by Momentum Medical Scheme had this to say about this move in support of stimulating South Africa’s economy: “I can identify so closely with the plight of small/micro e-Commerce enterprises who have incredible products but lack the funds to generate the brand awareness they need to take their products to a broader audience or to compete with the larger retailers and mainstream brands . has grown from a blog I started as overwhelmed new mommy in 2016 to empower and support other mommies, into a multi-dimensional platform for all parents which is now the number one parenting portal in the country comprising many business units. It was not an easy journey and an opportunity to promote my brand effectively to the ideal target market at a cost that wasn’t prohibitively expensive would have made the journey a lot easier.”

The Virtual Parenting Experience (#VPE2022) platform is doing exactly that this year – levelling the playing field by offering e-Commerce SMMEs an opportunity to showcase their brands to over 18 000 delegates. According to a Mastercard study on consumer spending* 68% of South African consumers are shopping more online since the onset of the COVID 19 pandemic and essential items have seen highest buying surge online – baby products would most certainly be among these essential items. Providing opportunities for small businesses to introduce a captive audience to their products – with a low cost to do so - is a rare opportunity which will go a long way in creating brand awareness and driving sales that they would not otherwise have been able to make.

To make this opportunity even easier for SMMEs, Payflex are the official #VPE2022 Retail e-Commerce Space partners. Paul Behrmann, CEO of Payflex commented on the partnership: “Only a short four years ago Payflex was a small business, and we are so excited to be partnering with on delivering a platform that allows small local businesses to showcase their products in the market Online. Payflex still focuses its strategy on providing a ‘Buy Now Pay Later’ payment solution as well as marketing exposure to small businesses to help them grow.”

The costs associated with taking up this opportunity are affordable for even the tightest budget and range from between R800 and R3500 with different levels of exposure and promotion to ticket holders.

Amanda concludes: “We are excited to be in a position that allows us to be able to extend our customised #VPE2022 platform to other SMMEs in South Africa so that they can reap the exposure and financial benefits too, resulting in a net positive result for all. It’s our way of sharing the brand love.”



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