By 28 January 2015 | Categories: Press Release




Bring Your Own Device, or BYOD, is on the rise. Employees are increasingly using their own smartphones, tablets, and other devices for work. It’s great for employees to be able to use the device that they prefer and can help companies increase productivity and reduce costs, but it can be a major challenge when it comes to managing company network security. Vodacom Business has now stepped in with a new solution which gives IT security managers the tools needed to safely bring BYOD under control.

Vodacom Secure Device Manager is a new Mobile Device Management (MDM) solution developed by Vodacom Business. This solution provides administration functionality for businesses to remotely manage mobile devices and enforce security policies, giving employees secure access to corporate data. The tool can be used for both company-owned and employee-owned devices across the business.

Chris Ross, Managing Executive of Products and Services at Vodacom Business said:

“With around 95% of employees stating that they use at least one personal device for work, BYOD is a reality that company IT security managers simply can’t ignore.

“Although the ability to allow staff to work at any time, from anywhere and on any device provides real business benefits, it also brings significant risks. To ensure that information does not end up in the wrong hands, it’s imperative that companies put security measures in place.”

Vodacom Secure Device Manager is a solution that enables companies to manage all devices using company resources through an internet-based console. Once devices have been added, companies can maintain the security of their data and applications, even if a device is lost or stolen. This is done by ensuring that only authorized and compliant devices have access to the company network, and by locking down and wiping the data from any lost or stolen devices. 

Vodacom Secure Device Manager also enables companies to remotely monitor the health of smart devices and run diagnostics to identify issues and fix problems as efficiently as possible. On top of this, the service allows the viewing of application inventory and data against thresholds in order to simplify the management mobile assets and inventory. Updating or adding new policies, settings, certificates, applications, and software can also all now be managed wirelessly via the internet using Vodacom Business’ MDM solution.

“The web-based console gives companies the ability to control who can access company information and applications via their own smart devices, thereby protecting vital information and helping companies to comply with regulations such as the impending POPI Act,” adds Ross.

Vodacom Secure Device Manager works across key platforms including iOS, Android and Windows Mobile devices. It’s a highly scalable solution designed to support as many or as few devices as needed, making it suitable for use by small businesses as well as large organisations and government departments.

“Companies will also have access to a dedicated Vodacom Business support team to provide the kind of round-the-clock support that our customers have come to expect from us,” adds Ross.



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