By 21 April 2010 | Categories: interviews



social networks
do you frequent?

I enjoy both Facebook and
Twitter. I enjoy Facebook for sharing pics and connecting
with family and friends far away, as well as with friends of
the Grant & Anele show. As far as Twitter is concerned, it’s
an amazing source of news and general information.

We also use Twitter as a supplement to what’s happening on the Grant & Anele show daily.

Do you play games on PC/PlayStation 3/Xbox 360/ Nintendo Wii? If so, what is your current favourite on that system?

The answer is Wii, Wii, Wii! I’m still a massive fan of the basic sports pack, of which my favourite has to be ‘Tennis’. I have also recently bought the new ‘Mario Brothers’ which is seriously fun.

Best game of all time?

My favourite is ‘Mario Brothers’ without a doubt.

Do you own an iPod/ MP3 player and what is the most embarrassing music on it?

I own two iPods. I have an iPod nano for gym and a slightly bulkier one for home use. The most embarrassing tracks must be the ones which form part of the admittedly extensive Westlife and Celine Dion collections.

Are there any new podcasts you listen to often?

 I am a massive fan of both the Christian O’ Connell and Chris Moyles shows. I podcast these shows weekly.

Was taking part in your second Cape Argus Pick n Pay Cycle Tour easier than the first time round? Did you listen to an inspirational tune to psych yourself up for it?

I was injured this year so completing the Cape Argus was a lot more painful this time around than it was last year. My inspirational song has always been ‘Move Along' by ‘The All-American Rejects’. The drum solo at the beginning of the song is simply awesome.

What would you call the most important or the coolest gadget of all time and why?

Besides the telephone and of course mobile phones etc., I love my GPS. Let’s be honest - no one enjoys reading maps. Guys don’t like asking for directions and the GPS has ensured that we don’t have to.


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Innovative Artificial Intelligence solutions (28 votes)
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