By 4 February 2010 | Categories: news


China has a serious addiction problem- of a digital kind. A recent survey conducted by the China Youth Association for Network Development (CYAND), shows 24 million Chinese kids addicted to the internet, a figure amounting to one out of every seven. According to the China Daily, the survey polled more than 7 000 people aged 6 to 29 in different regions around China, with by far the largest percentage of them (47.9%) using the internet to play games online.

Chinese authorities are concerned that the survey result indicate a more than 100% increase over figures published in 2005. "The survey results highlight the worrying situation of the ever-growing number of young Internet addicts," Hao Xianghong, secretary-general of the CYAND said with the release of the survey results.

There are more than 200 rehabilitation centres scattered across China to wean addicts off their digital dependence. These boot camps, often with a very militaristic approach, have been banned from using electroshock therapy and physical punishment, after a student was beaten to death by counselors last year. China has the world’s largest internet population, currently standing at 384 million.

This comes on the same day that a UK study revealed a strong link between internet addiction and depression. Although the scientists were quick to point out that the one doesn’t necessarily cause the other. 1.2% of the total number of people polled online for the study were classified as addicted.


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