By 20 September 2010 | Categories: news


Despite numerous reports over the weekend that social networking platform Facebook is looking at entering the mobile phone market, the social networking site has denied that intends to build its own handset. 

According to Reuters, Facebook has admitted that it intends to push deeper into the mobile phone market but has no intention of releasing a Facebook branded model. 
Instead, the company plans to integrate more deeply with mobile manufacturers, perhaps delivering proprietary Facebook applications to handsets upon shipping.
"Our view is that almost all experiences would be better if they were social, so integrating deeply into existing platforms and operating systems is a good way to enable this" revealed Jaime Schopflin, a spokesman for Facebook.
The controversy came about after TechCrunch reported that Facebook was working on software which would integrate on a new handset model, hinting that the website may have been gearing up to release its own device. This has however been revealed as untrue by the group. 
Although Facebook seems adamant that it will not release a mobile phone, this time last year Google was also vehemently denying the existence of the Nexus One. 
In conclusion time will only tell whether Facebook intends to develop its own handset; but, with a user base of 500 million who are tightly connected to the platform via their mobile phones, it might not be a bad business move.


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