By 29 March 2010 | Categories: news


Facebook revealed some details on an upcoming feature that’ll allow users to add their location to their Facebook pages.
In a blog post by Michael Richter, deputy general counsel for Facebook, a couple of details about this new feature were revealed. According to Richter the new location element is “more exciting” than the one the company had been planning.
“The last time we updated the Privacy Policy, we included language describing a location feature we might build in the future. At that point, we thought the primary use would be to ‘add a location to something you post.’ Now, we’ve got some different ideas that we think are even more exciting,” Richter stated.
“So, we’ve removed the old language and, instead added the concept of a ‘place’ that could refer to a Page, such as one for a local restaurant. As we finalize the product, we look forward to providing more details, including new privacy controls,” he added.
According to the New York Times this new location-based feature will be unveiled during Facebook’s f8 conference that will be held on 21 April in San Francisco.


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