By 3 February 2010 | Categories: news


Days before Apple launched the iPad, Google posted concept images and video of a tablet PC running on its browser-based Chrome OS.

Nobody noticed Glen Murphy’s, a UI designer for the Chrome OS, post on 25 January until yesterday when he tweeted it. The post, on the Chromium Projects web page, features a number of images of a Chrome OS driven tablet, a video and a few points on possible user interface features.

On Google’s Chromium form factor site specific reference is made to the use of the OS on 5-10" tablets. “On tablets, the UI would be adjusted to handle larger touch targets. Initial explorations have maintained the same basic chrome layout, but enlarged the controls. Icons could be placed above tabs to provide larger, square targets. Panels would be placed along the bottom edge and could be opened with upward dragging motions,” highlights the site.

Google have been squaring off with Apple on a number of fronts since Google CEO Eric Schmidt resigned from Apple’s Board of Directors late last year. The rivalry is perhaps most evident on the mobile device front with the release of Google’s Nexus One smartphone as a direct challenge to the iPhone 3G S in January.The rivalry now looks set to continue on the fledgling slate/ tablet PC front.

There is no indication if Google will release a Google tablet running on its own OS, or if the company will simply provide the platform to 3rd parties. Perhaps both routes will appeal, similar to the company's Android OS strategy?


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