IE9 hits download milestone
By Hanleigh Daniels 3 January 2011 | Categories: news
Microsoft has announced that the beta version of Internet Explorer 9 (IE9) has crossed the 20 million mark in downloads since being launched on 15 September 2010, with it being utilised by 0.46% of global internet users by the end of 2010.
“In the three months since the beta launch, we have also released two platform previews and became the leading browser in JavaScript performance as measured by WebKit SunSpider,” a blogpost by Roger Capriotti, director, Internet Explorer Product Marketing read.
“We have continued to invest in consumer privacy by introducing Tracking Protection, which helps consumers to identify and block many forms of undesired tracking of their online activity.”
The Redmond-based company also revealed that by the end of 2010, the worldwide combined usage figures for its “modern Internet Explorer browsers” (IE8 and IE9 Beta) stood at 34.07% according to Net Applications, whilst the user figures for both its older browsers (IE6 and IE7) fell by more than 40%. IE8 had a much better year, increasing its user adoption rate by almost 40%.
According to the latest Net Applications figures (December 2010), Internet Explorer (all versions) commands a global browser market share of 57.08%, whilst Google's Chrome takes up 9.98%, Mozilla's Firefox claims 22.81% and Apple's Safari boasts a share of 5.89%.
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