Microsoft Kin shelved after just two days of availability
By Tom Manners 1 July 2010 | Categories: news
Microsoft has officially announced that it has issued an order to halt production on its Kin mobile device, only 48 hours after its release.
In what may be recorded as one of the greatest mobile blunders in technology history, the manufacturer revealed that poor sales had driven it towards this decision.
Despite extensive effort on Microsoft’s part regarding the research and development and marketing of the Kin line, as well as a two year development cycle to bring the device to fruition, consumers were simply uninterested upon launch.
Serving as a ‘mid-point’ between Microsoft’s older generation and its upcoming Windows 7 Phone range, the Kin was a small QWERTY keyboard driven mobile device with a strong focus on social networking.
Microsoft developed two models, namely the Kin ONE and the Kin TWO, both of which featured touch-screen interfaces and operated using Microsoft’s proprietary Kin OS.
In terms of makeup the Kin models are relatively feature rich, leaving us at TechSmart puzzled as to why US consumers weren’t biting upon launch.
Nonetheless, Microsoft has shelved the European launch of the device and will now work with its US partner Verizon to clear out any remaining inventory.
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