Microsoft launches Kinect Sports Calorie Challenge
By Staff Writer 29 April 2011 | Categories: news
Microsoft has launched a new game add-on for Kinect Sports, the first full-body, controller-free sports game enabling players to physically compete with their friends over Xbox LIVE.
The Kinect Sports: Calorie Challenge game add-on is now available for 320 Microsoft Points via Xbox LIVE. It offers 250 new Achievements Points, as well as two new Avatar Awards.
Within the new Calorie Challenge Mode, gamers’ favourite lunch foods and snacks will take the forms of their Avatar Calorie Rivals (see list below). They will get to compete against Peppy Pizza, Super Soda and others, as each food mascot represents a calorie goal to be burned off, through a series of challenges set within an allotted time period.

Kinect Sports: Calorie Challenge Calorie Rivals
Blazing Banana (63 calories)
Chunky Chocolate (177 calories)
Mighty Milk (91 calories)
Peppy Pizza (238 calories)
Steady Celery (26 calories)
Super Soda (129 calories)

The company also attempted to break the Guinness World Record for the ‘largest online 100m sprint’ via Kinect Sports and Xbox LIVE last Saturday.
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