By 23 September 2010 | Categories: news


Following the unveiling of the latest Mac Mini earlier this year, Steve Jobs has reportedly addressed a Mac user’s concern over its lack of Blu-ray integration by taking a swipe at the high-end optical medium.
Now Microsoft has also followed suit as the UK Xbox head, Stephen McGill stated during an interview with Xbox 360 Achievements that Blu-ray is going to be passed by as a media format.
“People have moved through from DVDs to digital downloads and digital streaming, so we offer full HD 1080p Blu-ray quality streaming instantly, no download, no delay,” McGill said. “So, who needs Blu-ray?”
Microsoft recently updated the Xbox 360 console, but decided to stick with its DVD player as opposed to Sony who released its PlayStation 3 with a Blu-ray drive in 2006.
This latest comment follows in the wake of other self-assured assertions by Redmond, such as Microsoft Game Studio’s manager Kudo Tsunoda stating that first-person shooting games “are all about the console”, during an interview with GameInformer.
“Halo did an awesome job of building a first-person shooter exclusively for the console, and now hardly anyone plays first person shooters on the PC anymore.”
Tsunoda has also stated that the Xbox360’s controller-less, motion-based gaming add-on, dubbed Kinect, is going to be a runaway sales success following its 4 November launch in the States in an interview with gaming blog Gamasutra during the Tokyo Game Show.


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