Gaming news round-up - The Zombie Apocalypse edition
By Johan Keyter 23 September 2010 | Categories: news
Dead Rising 2 fever
This year's premium Zombie rampage, Capcom's Dead Rising 2, is just around the corner. During the past week a lot of reveals have surfaced including Japanese gaming magazine, Famitsu, giving the game its first review score at an impressive 8.75/10.
Dead Rising 2 is all about taking on waves of zombies and killing them in the most creative and over the top ways possible. The game will take place in Fortune City, a gambling paradise based off real life Las Vegas. The first 15 minutes of gameplay recently hit the internet and those who would like to get a sneak peak can head over to this CVG page to view the video.
Meanwhile a Japanese TV advert for the game was released last week featuring a man and woman promoting a $17 Paddlesaw on a show called 'How to Attack Zombies'. It's all very tongue in cheek and the Japanese voice overs add a comic effect to the ad. Dead Rising 2 goes on sale during the first week of October for the Xbox 360, PC and PlayStation 3. Check out the amazing new trailer for the game below as well as the Japanese TV advert at the bottom of the article.
Practice your photography skills with some zombie snapping
In lieu of Dead Rising 2's imminent release, Capcom has announced yet another title in the zombie franchise in the form of Dead Rising: Case West. The new game will serve as an epilogue to Dead Rising 2, starring both Chuck Greene and the first games' hero, Frank West. As the photographer returns to the derby of destruction that is the Dead Rising arena, so too does the first game's photography mode.
In a recent interview with Dead Rising 2's Rob Barrett, Eurogamer asked about the photography mode being included in the new title. His short and sweet reply was, “It's back. It's part of Frank. So when Frank comes back, so does the photography.” Snapping shots of boss characters and NPC's in the first game awarded the player with bonuses that work towards unlocking special achievements. Dead Rising: Case West will be available as a downloadable title exclusive to the Xbox 360, no release dates have been confirmed yet.
“Gay Space Marines” doesn't go down so well
Last week, Denby Grace, senior producer of 2K games' Mafia II caused a bit of a stir in the gaming world when he let slip a comment in an interview with MTV. When asked what Grace thought was the biggest problem currently facing gamers he answered, “it's a very good question and maybe a little general for a concise answer. An obsession with gay space marines.”
This not-so-subtle jibe at newly released Halo: Reach, which achieved record sales in its opening week, didn't go down so well with some gamers. But instead of receiving a flood of hate mail from Halo fanboys, Grace offended the patrons of, for obvious reasons. He went on to make an apology stating, “I was attempting to end the discussion in a jocular fashion by commenting on the hyper-macho 'bromance' featured in a lot of military shooters that I play. Regrettably, I did so in a manner that was insensitive. As they say, all is fair in love and war... games.
The return of Sackboy delayed
LittleBigPlanet 2, sequel to the immensely enjoyable 2008 PlayStation 3 exclusive has been delayed until January 2011. Developers Media Molecule this week posted the announcement on its website.
"We've all been working like powered-up space ninjas and we're almost there, but because we love what we've made, and we love our little sack-friends, and most of all we love all our fans out there, we couldn't let you all get together until we knew we were giving you the best experience imaginable.” The studio did announce that they may be releasing a taste of things to come before the game is officially released early next year.
No flying high for PC H.A.W.X. addicts
Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X. 2, sequel to the well received 2009 combat flight simulator has been delayed for PC until November. The game was originally due for a September 30 release but this has now been moved to November 16.
The Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 versions of the game are already available on shelves, prompting the question, just what went wrong with H.A.W.X. 2 on PC? We can only hope developers Ubisoft Romania are working on some added PC functionalities, but only time will tell how H.A.W.X. 2 on PC, the only system with full fledged joystick support, will fare come November.
In the spirit of livening things up this long weekend and in closing we present for your viewing pleasure the hilarious Dead Rising 2 Japanese TV commercial.
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