New Android App gives social hope to techies
By Staff Writer 1 April 2011 | Categories: news
A new app recently made its appearance on Google’s Android Market and looks set to make social engagement for techies slightly easier. The app, dubbed Tech Active Language Killer (TALK), makes use of the voice recognition software found in the Android 2.2 (Froyo) operating system.
Once activated, typically done when the user talks to members of the fairer sex, the app tracks the conversation and starts vibrating when certain key tech related terms are identified. This acts as a warning to the user that the conversation might be heading in the wrong direction.
Words like “PC”,” ADSL”, “download speed”,” data” and “notebook” are on the lower rung of “Social Danger” words and only sets off a slight buzz on the Android device, offering a discrete reminder to the user of the app.
“Megabyte”, “Gigahertz” and “RAM”, “Radeon vs GeFoce” and “Sandy Bridge” are set to make the phone buzz a lot stronger, noting that the user is moving into a “Danger Zone”. The same holds true for mention of “World of Warcraft”, “Star Trek”, “Klingon”, “Starcraft II: Wings of Liberty”, “Captain Kirk is definitely better than Captain Picard” and “obviously Jar Jar Binks spoiled Star Wars Episode 1”.
Any mention of the word “Linux” will actually set off a loud alarm on the phone, supposedly not to warn the user but rather to wake the person with whom the user is talking out of her induced slumber.
“I’ve had many conversations with girls where I could literally see her eyes glaze over when I started mentioning certain tech related words,” says Gilford Blapski, inventor of the TALK app. “I know something had to be done when the girl I was talking to just stared in front of her with a fixed gaze, even after I left. It was soon after when I came up with the idea for TALK,” he continued.
The app is available as a free download from Android Market, starting today 1 April 2011.
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