Nokia reaches app download milestone
By Hanleigh Daniels 19 November 2010 | Categories: news
Nokia announced yesterday that its Ovi Store has reached the three million downloads per day milestone.
The company also revealed that it’s gaining a considerable amount of software developer supports, with over 400 000 new developers joining Forum Nokia in the last 12 months, as well as 92 developers crossing the million download mark for their apps.
Nokia’s Qt Software Development Toolkit (SDK) and the Qt SDK combined have been downloaded 1.5 million times by developers, which will enable them to create apps for the Finnish company’s mobile phones, including smartphones the likes of the Nokia N8, Nokia C7 and Nokia C6-01.
“Ovi Store is on a strong trajectory fuelled by new apps and games from a growing number of partners and more than 250 000 new consumers signing up for Ovi every day,” said Tero Ojanperä, executive vice president, Services, Nokia.
“The number of daily downloads has increased from about two million to three million since September. We anticipate our progress will continue as we have just begun shipping our new Symbian smartphones.”
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